RFR: 8165276: Spec states to invoke the premain method in an agent class if it's public but implementation differs

Chris Plummer cjplummer at openjdk.java.net
Tue Dec 8 19:43:33 UTC 2020

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 11:41:33 GMT, Serguei Spitsyn <sspitsyn at openjdk.org> wrote:

> This change have been already reviewed by Mandy, Sundar, Alan and David.
> Now, the PR approval is needed.

Can you provide a link to the discussion? I'm mostly curious if there was some discussion as to why Instrument purposefully allowed non-public premain methods:

         // the premain method should not be required to be public,
508         // make it accessible so we can call it
509         // Note: The spec says the following:
510         //     The agent class must implement a public static premain method...
511         setAccessible(m, true);```


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1694

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