RFR: 8258057: serviceability/attach/RemovingUnixDomainSocketTest.java doesn't ignore VM warnings

Patricio Chilano Mateo pchilanomate at openjdk.java.net
Fri Dec 11 21:49:59 UTC 2020

On Fri, 11 Dec 2020 20:48:23 GMT, Chris Plummer <cjplummer at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> From what I can tell (after a bit of possibly inaccurate grepping) this is the only test that uses `PrcoessTools.startProcess()` in combination with `out.stderrShouldBeEmtpyIgnoreWarnings()`, so I assume this issue of split stderr output is unique to this test. However, it seems like that could easily be stumbled into again, and I pity anyone who has to debug this again (and commend you and getting to the root of the issue).
>> I have to admit I don't understanding all the ramifications of moving from `ProcessTools.startProcess()` to just calling `pb.Start()`. Clearly `startProcess()` has some value add. Does not using it affect the test in any negative way?
>> It's also not clear to me what the guidelines are for avoiding this issue in the future. Is it that `startProcess()` + `OutputAnalyzer` on the same process is forbidden, or at least forbidden if the `OutputAnalyzer` is used for anything more than checking the exit value?
>> Pumpers created by ProcessTools.startProcess() log the process stdout/stderr.
>> It's quite useful for failure analysis.
> This was the type of thing I was hinting at when I asked if there were any possible negative side affects to the change. Sorry I didn't see your post before asking my question.

Hi Alex,

> Pumpers created by ProcessTools.startProcess() log the process stdout/stderr.
> It's quite useful for failure analysis.
But we are still printing the stdout and stderr of the jcmd with the log statement in runJCmd().


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1749

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