RFR [XS]: 8239462: jdk.hotspot.agent misses some ReleaseStringUTFChars calls in case of early returns
Langer, Christoph
christoph.langer at sap.com
Wed Feb 19 21:20:19 UTC 2020
Hi Matthias,
I think this is good. In line 1187 of src/jdk.hotspot.agent/solaris/native/libsaproc/saproc.cpp, there’s a space missing after the if. I guess you should insert it before pushing
From: serviceability-dev <serviceability-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of Baesken, Matthias
Sent: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020 15:22
To: 'hotspot-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Cc: serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: [CAUTION] RFR [XS]: 8239462: jdk.hotspot.agent misses some ReleaseStringUTFChars calls in case of early returns
Hello, please review this small change .
We miss at a few places ReleaseStringUTFChars calls in the native
jdk.hotspot.agent coding.
This happens in case of early returns .
Bug/webrev :
Thanks, Matthias
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