RFR(s): 8247248: JVM TI might create JNI locals in another thread when using handshakes.

Robbin Ehn robbin.ehn at oracle.com
Wed Jun 10 13:38:35 UTC 2020

Hi Dan,

On 2020-06-10 15:09, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> This is a P2 bug so it can be pushed after the FC cutoff right?

Not sure, I put in P2 so I could do that if necessary.


> Dan
>> Thanks,
>> David
>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
>>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> Issue:
>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8247248
>>>>>>> Local testing of JDI/JVMTI and t1-5.
>>>>>>> (no real crash so there is nothing to reproduce)
>>>>>>> Thanks, Robbin

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