RFR (S) 8247615: Initialize the bytes left for the heap sampler

Jean Christophe Beyler jcbeyler at google.com
Mon Jun 29 20:10:07 UTC 2020

Hi all,

Sorry it took time to get back to this; could I get a new review from:

The bug is here:

Note, this passed the submit repo testing.

Thanks and have a great day!

Ps: explicit inlined Acks/Done are below:

Sorry it took time to get back to this:
   - done the typo
   - about the sampling test: No you won't get samples due to how the
system is done, since we know we only will be allocating one object for the
thread, it dies out before a sample is required... though adding the change
that Man wants might make it more flaky so I added your numThreads / 2 in
  - done for the always in the description

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 6:54 PM Derek Thomson <dthomson at google.com> wrote:

> > It could also avoid the problem where every thread deterministically
> allocates the same object at 512K, although this is unlikely.
> I've recently discovered that with certain server frameworks that this
> actually becomes quite likely! So I'd strongly recommend using
> pick_next_sample.

Ack, done :)

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 4:56 PM Man Cao <manc at google.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for fixing this!
>> > 53 ThreadHeapSampler() : _bytes_until_sample(get_sampling_interval())
>> {
>> Does this work better? (It has to be done after the initialization of
>> _rnd.)
>> _bytes_until_sample = pick_next_sample();
>> It could avoid completely missing to sample the first 512K allocation.
>> It could also avoid the problem where every thread

> deterministically allocates the same object at 512K, although this is
>> unlikely.
>> -Man


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