RFR: 8242428: JVMTI thread operations should use Thread-Local Handshake

Yasumasa Suenaga suenaga at oss.nttdata.com
Tue Jun 30 14:17:20 UTC 2020

Hi David,

Thank you for reviewing! I will update new webrev tomorrow.

> 466 class MultipleStackTracesCollector : public StackObj {
>   498 class VM_GetAllStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
>   499 private:
>   500   JavaThread *_calling_thread;
>   501   jint _final_thread_count;
>   502   MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;
> You can't have a StackObj as a member of another class like that as it may not be on the stack. I think MultipleStackTracesCollector should not extend any allocation class, and should always be embedded directly in another class.

I'm not sure what does mean "embedded".
Is it ok as below?

class MultipleStackTracesCollector {

class GetAllStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
     MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;



On 2020/06/30 22:22, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Yasumasa,
> On 30/06/2020 10:05 am, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi David, Serguei,
>> I updated webrev for 8242428. Could you review again?
>> This change migrate to use direct handshake for GetStackTrace() and GetThreadListStackTraces() (when thread_count == 1).
>>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8242428/webrev.01/
> This looks really good now! I only have a few nits below. There is one thing I don't like about it but it requires a change to the main Handshake logic to address - in JvmtiEnv::GetThreadListStackTraces you have to create a ThreadsListHandle to convert the jthread to a JavaThread, but then the Handshake::execute_direct creates another ThreadsListHandle internally. That's a waste. I will discuss with Robbin and file a RFE to have an overload of execute_direct that takes an existing TLH. Actually it's worse than that because we have another TLH in use at the entry point for the JVMTI functions, so I think there may be some scope for simplifying the use of TLH instances - future RFE.
> ---
> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiEnvBase.hpp
>   451   GetStackTraceClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, jint start_depth, jint max_count,
>   452                        jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr)
>   453     : HandshakeClosure("GetStackTrace"),
>   454       _env(env), _start_depth(start_depth), _max_count(max_count),
>   455       _frame_buffer(frame_buffer), _count_ptr(count_ptr),
>   456       _result(JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE) {
> Nit: can you do one initializer per line please.
> This looks wrong:
> 466 class MultipleStackTracesCollector : public StackObj {
>   498 class VM_GetAllStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
>   499 private:
>   500   JavaThread *_calling_thread;
>   501   jint _final_thread_count;
>   502   MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;
> You can't have a StackObj as a member of another class like that as it may not be on the stack. I think MultipleStackTracesCollector should not extend any allocation class, and should always be embedded directly in another class.
> 481   MultipleStackTracesCollector(JvmtiEnv *env, jint max_frame_count) {
>   482     _env = env;
>   483     _max_frame_count = max_frame_count;
>   484     _frame_count_total = 0;
>   485     _head = NULL;
>   486     _stack_info = NULL;
>   487     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
>   488   }
> As you are touching this can you change it to use an initializer list as you did for the HandshakeClosure, and please keep one item per line.
> ---
> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiEnvBase.cpp
>   820   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() ||
>   821          java_thread->is_thread_fully_suspended(false, &debug_bits) ||
>   822          current_thread == java_thread->active_handshaker(),
>   823          "at safepoint / handshake or target thread is suspended");
> I don't think the suspension check is necessary, as even if the target is suspended we must still be at a safepoint or in a handshake with it. Makes me wonder if we used to allow a racy stacktrace operation on a suspended thread, assuming it would remain suspended?
> 1268   oop thread_oop = jt->threadObj();
> 1269
> 1270   if (!jt->is_exiting() && (jt->threadObj() != NULL)) {
> You can use thread_oop in line 1270.
> 1272 _collector.fill_frames((jthread)JNIHandles::make_local(_calling_thread, thread_oop),
> 1273                            jt, thread_oop);
> It is frustrating that this entire call chain started with a jthread reference, which we converted to a JavaThread, only to eventually need to convert it back to a jthread! I think there is some scope for simplification here but not as part of this change.
> 1271     ResourceMark rm;
> IIUC at this point the _calling_thread is the current thread, so we can use:
>      ResourceMark rm(_calling_thread);
> ---
> Please add @bug lines to the tests.
> I'm still pondering the test logic but wanted to send this now.
> Thanks,
> David
> -----
>> VM_GetThreadListStackTrace (for GetThreadListStackTraces) and VM_GetAllStackTraces (for GetAllStackTraces) have inherited VM_GetMultipleStackTraces VM operation which provides the feature to generate jvmtiStackInfo. I modified  VM_GetMultipleStackTraces to a normal C++ class to share with HandshakeClosure for GetThreadListStackTraces (GetSingleStackTraceClosure).
>> Also I added new testcases which test GetThreadListStackTraces() with thread_count == 1 and with all threads.
>> This change has been tested in serviceability/jvmti serviceability/jdwp vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti vmTestbase/nsk/jdi vmTestbase/nsk/jdwp.
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2020/06/24 15:50, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Please review this change:
>>>    JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8242428
>>>    webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ysuenaga/JDK-8242428/webrev.00/
>>> This change replace following VM operations to direct handshake.
>>>   - VM_GetFrameCount (GetFrameCount())
>>>   - VM_GetFrameLocation (GetFrameLocation())
>>>   - VM_GetThreadListStackTraces (GetThreadListStackTrace())
>>>   - VM_GetCurrentLocation
>>> GetThreadListStackTrace() uses direct handshake if thread count == 1. In other case (thread count > 1), it would be performed as VM operation (VM_GetThreadListStackTraces).
>>> Caller of VM_GetCurrentLocation (JvmtiEnvThreadState::reset_current_location()) might be called at safepoint. So I added safepoint check in its caller.
>>> This change has been tested in serviceability/jvmti serviceability/jdwp vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti vmTestbase/nsk/jdi vmTestbase/ns
>>> k/jdwp.
>>> Also I tested it on submit repo, then it has execution error (mach5-one-ysuenaga-JDK-8242428-20200624-0054-12034717) due to dependency error. So I think it does not occur by this change.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yasumasa

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