RFR: 8227269: Slow class loading when running JVM in debug mode

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Tue Mar 10 04:35:10 UTC 2020

I'll have a look at it, although it might not be for a couple of days.


On 3/9/20 5:39 AM, Roman Kennke wrote:
> Hello all,
> Can I please get reviews of this change? In the meantime, we've done
> more testing and also field-/torture-testing by a customer who is happy
> now. :-)
> Thanks,
> Roman
>> Hi Serguei,
>> Thanks for reviewing!
>> I updated the patch to reflect your suggestions, very good!
>> It also includes a fix to allow re-connecting an agent after disconnect,
>> namely move setup of the trackingEnv and deletedSignatureBag to
>> _activate() to ensure have those structures after re-connect.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/JDK-8227269/webrev.05/
>> Let me know what you think!
>> Roman
>>> Hi Roman,
>>> Thank you for taking care about this scalability issue!
>>> I have a couple of quick comments.
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/JDK-8227269/webrev.04/src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/classTrack.c.frames.html
>>> 72 /*
>>> 73 * Lock to protect deletedSignatureBag
>>> 74 */
>>> 75 static jrawMonitorID deletedSignatureLock; 76 77 /*
>>> 78 * A bag containing all the deleted classes' signatures. Must be
>>> accessed under
>>> 79 * deletedTagLock,
>>>    80  */
>>> 81 struct bag* deletedSignatureBag;
>>>    The comments contradict to each other.
>>>    I guess, the lock name at line 79 has to be deletedSignatureLock
>>> instead of deletedTagLock.
>>>    Also, comma at the end must be replaced with dot.
>>> 101 // Tag not found? Ignore.
>>> 102 if (klass == NULL) {
>>> 103 debugMonitorExit(deletedSignatureLock);
>>> 104 return;
>>> 105 }
>>>   106
>>> 107 // Scan linked-list.
>>> 108 jlong found_tag = klass->klass_tag;
>>> 109 while (klass != NULL && found_tag != tag) {
>>> 110 klass_ptr = &klass->next;
>>> 111 klass = *klass_ptr;
>>> 112 found_tag = klass->klass_tag;
>>>   113     }
>>> 114
>>> 115 // Tag not found? Ignore.
>>> 116 if (found_tag != tag) {
>>> 117 debugMonitorExit(deletedSignatureLock);
>>> 118 return;
>>>   119     }
>>>   The code above can be simplified, so that the lines 101-105 are not
>>> needed anymore.
>>>   It can be something like this:
>>> // Scan linked-list.
>>> while (klass != NULL && klass->klass_tag != tag) {
>>> klass_ptr = &klass->next;
>>> klass = *klass_ptr;
>>>       }
>>> if (klass == NULL || klass->klass_tag != tag) { // klass not found - ignore.
>>> debugMonitorExit(deletedSignatureLock);
>>> return;
>>>       }
>>> It will take more time when I get a chance to look at the rest.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Serguei
>>> On 12/21/19 13:24, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>> Here comes an update that resolves some races that happen when
>>>> disconnecting an agent. In particular, we need to take the lock on
>>>> basically every operation, and also need to check whether or not
>>>> class-tracking is active and return an appropriate result (e.g. an empty
>>>> list) when we're not.
>>>> Updated webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/JDK-8227269/webrev.04/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Roman
>>>>> So, here comes the O(1) implementation:
>>>>> - Whenever a class is 'prepared', it is registered with a tag, and we
>>>>> set-up a listener to get notified when it is unloaded.
>>>>> - Prepared classes are kept in a datastructure that is a table, which
>>>>> each entry being the head of a linked-list of KlassNode*. The table is
>>>>> indexed by tag % slot-count, and then simply prepend the new KlassNode*.
>>>>> This is O(1) operation.
>>>>> - When we get notified of unloading a class, we look up the signature of
>>>>> the reported tag in that table, and remember it in a bag. The KlassNode*
>>>>> is then unlinked from the table and deallocated. This is ~O(1) operation
>>>>> too, depending on the depth of the table. In my testcase which hammered
>>>>> the code with class-loads and unloads, I usually see depths of like 2-3,
>>>>> but not usually more. It should be ok.
>>>>> - when processUnloads() gets called, we simply hand out that bag, and
>>>>> allocate a new one.
>>>>> - I also added cleanup-code in classTrack_reset() to avoid leaking the
>>>>> signatures and KlassNode* etc when debug agent gets detached and/or
>>>>> re-attached (was missing before).
>>>>> - I also added locks around data-structure-manipulation (was missing
>>>>> before).
>>>>> - Also, I only activate this whole process when an actual listener gets
>>>>> registered on EI_GC_FINISH. This seems to happen right when attaching a
>>>>> jdb, not sure why jdb does that though. This may be something to improve
>>>>> in the future?
>>>>> In my tests, the performance of class-tracking itself looks really good.
>>>>> The bottleneck now is clearly actual synthesizing the class-unload
>>>>> events. I don't see how this can be helped when the debug agent asks for it?
>>>>> Updated webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/JDK-8227269/webrev.03/
>>>>> Please let me know what you think of it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Roman
>>>>>> Alright, the perfectionist in me got me. I am implementing the even more
>>>>>> efficient ~O(1) class tracking. Please hold off reviewing for now.
>>>>>> Thanks,Roman
>>>>>>   Hi Chris,
>>>>>>>> I'll have a look at this, although it might not be for a few days. In
>>>>>>>> the meantime, maybe you can describe your new implementation in
>>>>>>>> classTrack.c so it's easier to look through the changes.
>>>>>>> Sure.
>>>>>>> The purpose of this class-tracking is to be able to determine the
>>>>>>> signatures of unloaded classes when GC/class-unloading happened, so that
>>>>>>> we can generate the appropriate JDWP event.
>>>>>>> The current implementation does so by maintaining a table of currently
>>>>>>> prepared classes by building that table when classTrack is initialized,
>>>>>>> and then add new classes whenever a class gets loaded. When unloading
>>>>>>> occurs, that cache is rebuilt into a new table, and compared with the
>>>>>>> old table, and whatever is in the old, but not in the new table gets
>>>>>>> returned. The problem is that when GCs happen frequently and/or many
>>>>>>> classes get loaded+unloaded, this amounts to O(classCount*gcCount)
>>>>>>> complexity.
>>>>>>> The new implementation keeps a linked-list of prepared classes, and also
>>>>>>> tracks unloads via the listener cbTrackingObjectFree(). Whenever an
>>>>>>> unload/GC occurs, the list of prepared classes is scanned, and classes
>>>>>>> that are also in the deletedTagBag are unlinked (thus maintaining the
>>>>>>> prepared-classes-list) and its signature put in the list that gets returned.
>>>>>>> The implementation is not perfect. In order to determine whether or not
>>>>>>> a class is unloaded, it needs to scan the deletedTagBag. That process is
>>>>>>> therefore still O(unloadedClassCount). The assumption here is that
>>>>>>> unloadedClassCount << classCount. In my experiments this seems to be
>>>>>>> true, and also reasonable to expect.
>>>>>>> (I have some ideas how to improve the implementation to ~O(1) but it
>>>>>>> would be considerably more complex: have to maintain a (hash)table that
>>>>>>> maps tags -> KlassNode*, unlink them directly upon unload, and build the
>>>>>>> unloaded-signatures list there, but I don't currently see that it's
>>>>>>> worth the effort).
>>>>>>> In addition to all that, this process is only activated when there's an
>>>>>>> actual listener registered for EI_GC_FINISH.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Roman
>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>> On 12/18/19 5:05 AM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>> Issue:
>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8227269
>>>>>>>>> I am proposing what amounts to a rewrite of classTrack.c. It avoids
>>>>>>>>> throwing away the class cache on GC, and instead keeps track of
>>>>>>>>> loaded/unloaded classes one-by-one.
>>>>>>>>> In addition to that, it avoids this whole dance until an agent
>>>>>>>>> registers interest in EI_GC_FINISH.
>>>>>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/JDK-8227269/webrev.01/
>>>>>>>>> Testing: manual testing of provided test scenarios and timing.
>>>>>>>>> Eg with the testcase provided here:
>>>>>>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1751985
>>>>>>>>> I am getting those numbers:
>>>>>>>>> unpatched: no debug: 84s with debug: 225s
>>>>>>>>> patched:   no debug: 85s with debug: 95s
>>>>>>>>> I also tested successfully through jdk/submit repo
>>>>>>>>> Can I please get a review?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Roman

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