Review Request: 8238358: Implementation of JEP 371: Hidden Classes
coleen.phillimore at
coleen.phillimore at
Mon Mar 30 15:02:02 UTC 2020
Hi, This is great work! I did a prereview and all of my comments were
addressed. These are a few minor things I noticed.
Nit. Can you add 'const' to the is_hidden accessor?
+ ID annotation_index(const ClassLoaderData* loader_data, const Symbol*
name, const bool can_access_vm_annotations);
'const' bool is weird and unnecessary. Can you remove const here?
+ if (is_hidden()) { // Mark methods in hidden classes as 'hidden'.
+ m->set_hidden(true);
+ }
Could be:
+ // Mark methods in hidden classes as 'hidden'.
+ m->set_hidden(is_hidden());
+ macro(_classData_offset, k, "classData", object_signature, false); \
Probably should remove trailing backslash here.
I think in a future RFE, we should add a default parameter to
register_loader to make the code in the beginning of parse_stream()
cleaner and remove has_class_mirror_holder_cld().
+ jboolean is_nestmate = (flags & NESTMATE) == NESTMATE;
+ jboolean is_hidden = (flags & HIDDEN_CLASS) == HIDDEN_CLASS;
+ jboolean is_strong = (flags & STRONG_LOADER_LINK) == STRONG_LOADER_LINK;
+ jboolean vm_annotations = (flags & ACCESS_VM_ANNOTATIONS) ==
Instead of jboolean, please use C++ bool here.
+ oop loader = lookup_k->class_loader();
+ Handle class_loader (THREAD, loader);
Can you rewrite as this to prevent potential unhandled oop for oop loader.
+ Handle class_loader (THREAD, lookup_k->class_loader());
+ InstanceKlass::cast(defined_k)->class_loader_data()->dec_keep_alive();
Don't have to cast defined_k to get class_loader_data(), but you
probably just want to move this up to remove the rest of the
+ InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(defined_k);
We agreed already that these changes aren't needed by the SA. You can
revert these.
These are minor changes. I don't need to see another webrev.
On 3/26/20 7:57 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Please review the implementation of JEP 371: Hidden Classes. The main
> changes are in core-libs and hotspot runtime area. Small changes are
> made in javac, VM compiler (intrinsification of Class::isHiddenClass),
> JFR, JDI, and jcmd. CSR [1]has been reviewed and is in the finalized
> state (see specdiff and javadoc below for reference).
> Webrev:
> Hidden class is created via `Lookup::defineHiddenClass`. From JVM's point
> of view, a hidden class is a normal class except the following:
> - A hidden class has no initiating class loader and is not registered
> in any dictionary.
> - A hidden class has a name containing an illegal character
> `Class::getName` returns `p.Foo/0x1234` whereas `GetClassSignature`
> returns "Lp/Foo.0x1234;".
> - A hidden class is not modifiable, i.e. cannot be redefined or
> retransformed. JVM TI IsModifableClass returns false on a hidden.
> - Final fields in a hidden class is "final". The value of final
> fields cannot be overriden via reflection. setAccessible(true) can
> still be called on reflected objects representing final fields in a
> hidden class and its access check will be suppressed but only have
> read-access (i.e. can do Field::getXXX but not setXXX).
> Brief summary of this patch:
> 1. A new Lookup::defineHiddenClass method is the API to create a
> hidden class.
> 2. A new Lookup.ClassOption enum class defines NESTMATE and STRONG
> option that
> can be specified when creating a hidden class.
> 3. A new Class::isHiddenClass method tests if a class is a hidden class.
> 4. Field::setXXX method will throw IAE on a final field of a hidden class
> regardless of the value of the accessible flag.
> 5. JVM_LookupDefineClass is the new JVM entry point for
> Lookup::defineClass
> and defineHiddenClass to create a class from the given bytes.
> 6. ClassLoaderData implementation is not changed. There is one
> primary CLD
> that holds the classes strongly referenced by its defining loader.
> There
> can be zero or more additional CLDs - one per weak class.
> 7. Nest host determination is updated per revised JVMS 5.4.4. Access
> control
> check no longer throws LinkageError but instead it will throw IAE with
> a clear message if a class fails to resolve/validate the nest host
> declared
> in NestHost/NestMembers attribute.
> 8. JFR, jcmd, JDI are updated to support hidden classes.
> 9. update javac LambdaToMethod as lambda proxy starts using nestmates
> and generate a bridge method to desuger a method reference to a
> protected
> method in its supertype in a different package
> This patch also updates StringConcatFactory, LambdaMetaFactory, and
> LambdaForms
> to use hidden classes. The webrev includes changes in nashorn to
> hidden class
> and I will update the webrev if JEP 372 removes it any time soon.
> We uncovered a bug in Lookup::defineClass spec throws LinkageError and
> intends
> to have the newly created class linked. However, the implementation in 14
> does not link the class. A separate CSR [2] proposes to update the
> implementation to match the spec. This patch fixes the implementation.
> The spec update on JVM TI, JDI and Instrumentation will be done as
> a separate RFE [3]. This patch includes new tests for JVM TI and
> java.instrument that validates how the existing APIs work for hidden
> classes.
> javadoc/specdiff
> JVMS 5.4.4 change:
> CSR:
> Thanks
> Mandy
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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