Thread Local Handshake in JVMTI functions

Yasumasa Suenaga suenaga at
Tue Mar 31 10:06:25 UTC 2020

Hi all,

Many JVMTI functions uses VM Operation to get information. However some of them need to stop only one thread - they don't need to stop all threads.
So I think we can use Thread Local Handshake as this webrev. It is example for GetOneCurrentContendedMonitor().

Also I think we can replace following VM Operations to Thread Local Handshake:

class VM_GetCurrentLocation
class VM_EnterInterpOnlyMode
class VM_UpdateForPopTopFrame
class VM_SetFramePop
class VM_GetOwnedMonitorInfo
class VM_GetCurrentContendedMonitor
class VM_GetFrameCount
class VM_GetFrameLocation

What do you think?
It it is acceptable, I will file it to JBS and send review request.



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