RFR: 8244133: Refactor nsk/jdi tests to reduce code duplication in settingBreakpoint communication

Leonid Mesnik leonid.mesnik at oracle.com
Mon May 4 18:43:53 UTC 2020

Thank you for review and feedback.


On 5/1/20 7:45 PM, serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi Leonid,
> I'd suggest to align parameters and remove two commented lines:
>    90     protected final BreakpointRequest settingBreakpoint(ThreadReference thread,
>    91                                                      ReferenceType testedClass,
>    92                                                      String methodName,
>    93                                                      String bpLine,
>    94                                                      String property)
>  . . .
>   141     protected final void getEventSet() throws JDITestRuntimeException {
>   142         try {
>   143 //            jdiHelper.log2("       eventSet = eventQueue.remove(waitTime);");
>   144             eventSet = eventQueue.remove(waitTime);
>   145             if (eventSet == null) {
>   146                 throw new JDITestRuntimeException("** TIMEOUT while waiting for event **");
>   147             }
>   148 //            jdiHelper.log2("       eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator;");
> Otherwise, looks good.
> No need in new webrev if you fix it.
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 5/1/20 16:51, Leonid Mesnik wrote:
>> Yes, the protected should be enough. I've made all non constant 
>> fields and methods protected and remove comment.
>> The updated webrev (JDIBase only)
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmesnik/8244133/webrev.01/
>> Leonid
>>> On May 1, 2020, at 4:05 PM, Chris Plummer <chris.plummer at oracle.com 
>>> <mailto:chris.plummer at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>> On 5/1/20 3:42 PM, Leonid Mesnik wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>>> On May 1, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Chris Plummer 
>>>>> <chris.plummer at oracle.com <mailto:chris.plummer at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Leonid,
>>>>> Overall looks good.
>>>>> How did you verify that all settingBreakpoint() implementations 
>>>>> were the same? How did you find that some of the 
>>>>> breakpointForCommunication() implementations were different?
>>>> Unfortunately I didn't find a good way to check that all these 
>>>> method are exactly the same. I just go through diff without lines 
>>>> common for all methods and verify that nothing unexpected was removed.
>>>> Using this I found the different  breakpointForCommunication() and 
>>>> settingBreakpoint() implementation. I found 2  variants of 
>>>>   settingBreakpoint(). The one which set breakpointLocation (or 
>>>> location) and one which don't set.
>>>> Additionally I grepped new files to check that lines like ' static 
>>>> final int PASSED' and other known patterns are removed.
>>> Ok.
>>>>> A few minor things in JDIBase:
>>>>>  108             throws JDITestRuntimeException {
>>>>> I think it would look better with the { on a new line.
>>>>>   80     // used by tests with breakpoint communication
>>>>>   81     public EventRequestManager eventRManager;
>>>>>   82     public EventQueue eventQueue;
>>>>>   83     public EventSet eventSet;
>>>>>   84     public EventIterator eventIterator;
>>>>>   85
>>>>>   86     // additional fields initialized during breakpoint 
>>>>> communication
>>>>>   87     public Location breakpLocation = null;
>>>>>   88     public BreakpointEvent bpEvent;
>>>>> Do these fields need to be public and not just protected? Public 
>>>>> fields in java are not the norm.
>>>>>   91     /*
>>>>>   92      * private BreakpointRequest 
>>>>> settingBreakpoint(ThreadReference, ReferenceType,
>>>>>   93 * String, String, String)
>>>>>   94      *
>>>>>   95      * It sets up a breakpoint at given line number within a 
>>>>> given method in a given class
>>>>>   96      * for a given thread.
>>>>>   97      *
>>>>>   98      * Return value: BreakpointRequest object  in case of success
>>>>>   99      *
>>>>>  100      * JDITestRuntimeException  in case of an Exception 
>>>>> thrown within the method
>>>>>  101      */
>>>>>  123             int n =
>>>>>  124                     ((IntegerValue) 
>>>>> testedClass.getValue(testedClass.fieldByName(bpLine))).value();
>>>>> I'm not sure why the comment includes the prototype, but in any 
>>>>> case it is out of date. I suggest just removing it.
>>>>> Also, there are double-spaces in lines 98 and 100.
>>>> I could make fields protected and remove comments. But I want to 
>>>> review base class and  might be make more refactoring.  Also there 
>>>> are a couple of tests with strange formatting, so I am going to add 
>>>> them separately.
>>>> I just don't want to put all this in single change. So diff 
>>>> contains mostly removal of same lines and it is easier to check it.
>>> But I'm just referring to the one copy in JDIBase.java. It seems 
>>> getting the format and commenting of this entirely new class is 
>>> something to do now, not at some later point when you cleanup other 
>>> tests.
>>> Also, the fields were not public before being moved to JDIBase, they 
>>> were package private. So unless there is a reason for them to be 
>>> public, I'm not sure why you would not be more restrictive as long 
>>> as it does not impact the tests. Do the tests need for the fields to 
>>> be public or else would need to be modified?
>>> thanks,
>>> Chris
>>>> Leonid
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> On 4/29/20 4:45 PM, Leonid Mesnik wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Could you please review following fix which remove code 
>>>>>> duplication by moving methods BreakpointRequest 
>>>>>> settingBreakpoint, getEventSet, breakpointForCommunication and 
>>>>>> log1,2,3 in base class.
>>>>>> The fix is huge but pretty straight forward, I tried to keep 
>>>>>> changes as small as possible so most tests just changed to 
>>>>>> extends JDIBase and corresponding methods and fields were deleted.
>>>>>> Some tests used slightly different 'breakpointForCommunication()' 
>>>>>> implementation so they override it now.
>>>>>> Some tests contain change like this:
>>>>>> - eventRequest1 = eventRManager.createBreakpointRequest(location);
>>>>>> + eventRequest1 = 
>>>>>> eventRManager.createBreakpointRequest(breakpLocation);
>>>>>> it is because they had 'location' and not 'breakpLocation' which 
>>>>>> is set by settingBreakpoint(...). So just merged location and 
>>>>>> breakpLocation.
>>>>>> All tests passed, so the main goal is to ensure that changes 
>>>>>> don't introduce false positive results ignoring exit codes and 
>>>>>> statuses.
>>>>>> I quickly verified that updated files don't contain declarations 
>>>>>> of variable like PASSED, testExitCode and other.
>>>>>> The JDIBase and all tests could be improved, also there are still 
>>>>>> a lot of tests which could use it as a base as well as other base 
>>>>>> classes for idi debuggers. However I  want to keep this fix as 
>>>>>> simple as possible.
>>>>>> werbev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmesnik/8244133/webrev.00/
>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244133
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