PING: Re: RFR (XS): 8244571: assert(!_thread->is_pending_jni_exception_check()) failed: Pending JNI Exception Check during class loading
Chris Plummer
chris.plummer at
Fri May 22 18:57:24 UTC 2020
Hi Serguei,
Looks good, and I agree with David's comments. I was thinking the same
thing when I first looked at your original changes.
On 5/22/20 2:32 AM, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
> Hi David,
> The updated webrev is with your comments addressed:
> Thanks,
> Serguei
> On 5/22/20 00:43, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thank you for the comments!
>> On 5/21/20 23:58, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Serguei,
>>> On 22/05/2020 4:17 pm, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
>>>> PING: This is pretty small and easy to review fix.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Serguei
>>>> On 5/19/20 09:28, serguei.spitsyn at wrote:
>>>>> Please, review fix for:
>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>> Summary:
>>>>> There are two places in the native part of test that cause
>>>>> assert and WARNING with the -Xcheck:jni.
>>>>> The assert is because there is no check for pending exception
>>>>> after the call to:
>>>>> jni->CallBooleanMethod(klass, is_hid_mid);
>>>>> Using a JNI ExceptionCheck()after the call fixes the issue.
>>> bool res = jni->CallBooleanMethod(klass, is_hid_mid);
>>> if (jni->ExceptionCheck()) {
>>> LOG0("is_hidden: Exception in jni CallBooleanMethod\n");
>>> }
>>> return res;
>>> That will fix the pending_jni_exception_check error, but if an
>>> exception actually occurs what will be returned? And whatever is
>>> returned, the callers of this method don't themselves check for
>>> pending exceptions so they will treat it as if the exception didn't
>>> occur - at least until we finally return to Java code. Perhaps any
>>> exception should result in jni->FatalError as happens with any JVMTI
>>> error?
>> You are right, it would be more clean to call jni->FatalError.
>> I was also thinking about it but also worried to get the exception
>> details.
>> The exception can be printed before call to FatalError.
>>>>> The following call to the JVM TI function:
>>>>> err = jvmti->GetClassLoaderClasses(loader, &count, &loader_classes);
>>>>> produces the warning (with a java level stack trace): WARNING:
>>>>> JNI local refs: 94, exceeds capacity: 32
>>>>> It is because the GetClassLoaderClasses returns an array of
>>>>> local references to the loader classes.
>>>>> Using a JNI EnsureLocalCapacity() before the JVM TI call also
>>>>> fixes the issue.
>>> The warning suggests using 1024 is a bit of overkill. :)
>> What capacity would be more reasonable, 256 or 512?
>> Let's pick 256. This is just a warning, the test is still passing.
>> Thanks!
>> Serguei
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>>>>> Testing:
>>>>> Running the test
>>>>> test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/HiddenClass locally.
>>>>> Will run a mach5 job as well.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Serguei
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