RFD: 8252768: Fast, asynchronous heap dumps

Laurence Cable larry.cable at oracle.com
Thu Sep 3 19:38:53 UTC 2020

On 9/3/20 12:36 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2020, 21:27 Laurence Cable <larry.cable at oracle.com 
> <mailto:larry.cable at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     On 9/3/20 12:25 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>     On Thu, Sep 3, 2020, 21:07 Laurence Cable <larry.cable at oracle.com
>>     <mailto:larry.cable at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>         On 9/3/20 9:03 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>         > Hi,
>>         >
>>         > I'd like to get your opinion on a POC I've done in order to
>>         speed up
>>         > heap dumps on Linux:
>>         >
>>         > https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252768
>>         > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2020/8252768/
>>         >
>>         > Currently, heap dumps can be taken by the SA tools from a
>>         frozen
>>         > process or core file or directly from a running process
>>         with jcmd,
>>         > jconsole & JMX, jmap, etc. If the heap of a running process
>>         is dumped,
>>         > this happens at a safepoint (see VM_HeapDumper). Because
>>         the time to
>>         > produce a heap dump is roughly proportional to the size and
>>         fill ratio
>>         > of the heap, this leads to safepoint times which can range
>>         from ~100ms
>>         > for a 100mb heap to ~1s for a 1gb heap up to 15s and more
>>         for a 8gb
>>         > heap (measured on my Core i7 laptop with SSD).
>>         >
>>         > One possibility to decrease the safepoint time is to
>>         offload the
>>         > dumping work to an asynchronous process. On Linux (and
>>         probably any
>>         > other OS which supports fork()) this can be achieved by
>>         forking and
>>         > offloading the heap dumping to the child process. Forking
>>         still needs
>>         > to happen at a safepoint, but forking is considerably
>>         faster compared
>>         > to the dumping process itself. The fork performance is still
>>         > proportional to the size of the original Java process
>>         because although
>>         > fork won't copy any memory pages, the kernel still needs to
>>         duplicate
>>         > the page table entries of the process.
>>         curious what is the. behavior of the parent/target JVM
>>         process "after"
>>         it executes the fork() at the safepoint? i.e what does it do
>>         next?
>>     It just continues its life. It will periodically try to reap the
>>     child process, but apart from that it will just run on.
>     so then the state of the (parent's) heap may change "under" the
>     dumping child?
>     what am I missing?
> When forking, the child process gets a *copy* of the parents address 
> space. That is if one were to implement fork() naively. Since copying 
> the parent address space would be prohibitively expensive, especially 
> for parent processes with a large footprint, modern OSes do a 
> copy-on-write.
> The child gets a copy of the address space of the parent at the time 
> the fork was done. As long as the child only reads a page, and the 
> page has not been modified by the parent, this is physically the same 
> memory. If either parent or child writes to the page it gets really 
> duplicated.
> Effectively, Volker uses the OS to get a frozen snapshot of the java 
> heap at fork time.
thanks for the clarification... I had brain fade on COW semantics...

>>         > Linux uses a “copy-on-write” technique for the creation of
>>         a forked
>>         > child process. This means that right after creation, the
>>         child process
>>         > will have exactly the same memory image like its parent
>>         process. But
>>         > at the same time, the child process won’t use any
>>         additional physical
>>         > memory, as long as it doesn’t change (i.e. writes into) its
>>         memory.
>>         > Since heap dumping only reads the child process's memory
>>         and then
>>         > exits immediately, this technique can be applied even if
>>         the Java
>>         > process already uses almost the whole free physical memory.
>>         >
>>         > The POC I've created (see
>>         > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2020/8252768/)
>>         decreases
>>         > the aforementioned ~100ms, ~1s and 15s for a 100mb, 1gb and
>>         8gb heap
>>         > to ~3ms, ~15ms and ~60ms on my laptop which I think is
>>         significant.
>>         > You can try it out by using the new "-async" or
>>         "-async=true" option
>>         > of the "GC.heap_dump" jcmd command.
>>         >
>>         > Of course this change will require a CSR for the additional
>>         jcmd
>>         > GC.heap_dump "-async" option which I'll be happy to create
>>         if there's
>>         > any interest in this enhancement. Also, logging in the
>>         child process
>>         > might potentially interfere with logging in the parent VM
>>         and probably
>>         > will have to be removed in the final version, but I've left
>>         it in for
>>         > now to better illustrate what's happening. Finally, we
>>         can't output
>>         > the size of the created dump any more if we are using
>>         asynchronous
>>         > dumping but from my point of view that's not such a big
>>         problem. Apart
>>         > from that, the POC works surprisingly well :)
>>         >
>>         > Please let me know what you think and if there's something
>>         I've overlooked?
>>         >
>>         > Best regards,
>>         > Volker
>>         >
>>         > PS: by the way, asynchronous dumping combines just fine with
>>         > compressed dumps. So you can easily use "GC.heap_dump
>>         -async=true
>>         > -gz=6"

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