RFR: 8262881: port JVM/DI tests from JDK-4413752 to JVM/TI [v4]

Daniel D.Daugherty dcubed at openjdk.java.net
Thu Apr 1 19:46:39 UTC 2021

On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:10:29 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty <dcubed at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hi Dan,
>>> I figured you would enjoy this 20 year old blast from the past!
>> Yes, of course, but these tests look like they have been written today! :)
>> Thank you for making changes!
>> I've just noticed one minor issue:
>> libSuspendWithObjectMonitorEnter.cpp
>> libSuspendWithObjectMonitorWait.cpp:
>> The static variables below are not used and can be removed:
>>  32 static jrawMonitorID threadLock = NULL;
>>  33 static char threadLockName[] = "threadLock";
>> Thanks,
>> Serguei
> @sspitsyn - Thanks for the re-review. I'll take care of the unused variables
> and I'll do an audit of all three tests and look for more.

Changes for the next version of the tests:

- @robehn CR changes:
    -  changed the JVM/TI function wrappers to be much simpler and just return the JVM/TI return code to the Java code caller; all error checking is now on the Java side of the test.
    - dropped the 'id' parameter; deleted many native support functions.

@robehn - I kept the catch of UnsatisfiedLinkError because what I'm doing there is printing a nice error message and then rethrowing the same exception; it makes it easier to debug the build process for the test.
@robehn - I moved the argument parsing code to the main() method; while the default configuration of the test doesn't use command line arguments, I have stress wrappers for these tests that use the command line args.

@lyndseyBeil - I renamed the remaining native methods to `camelCase()` style.

@sspitsyn - I've removed the unused variables from the three tests.

@robehn, @lyndseyBeil and @sspitsyn - thanks for your reviews! New commit coming shortly.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2899

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