RFR: 8257234 : Add gz option to SA jmap to write a gzipped heap dump [v14]

Chris Plummer cjplummer at openjdk.java.net
Thu Feb 4 23:26:46 UTC 2021

On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 08:10:00 GMT, Lin Zang <lzang at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/jdk.hotspot.agent/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/SALauncher.java line 130:
>>> 128:         System.out.println("    --binaryheap            To dump java heap in hprof binary format.");
>>> 129:         System.out.println("    --dumpfile <name>       The name of the dump file.");
>>> 130:         System.out.println("    --gz <1-9>              The compression level for gzipped dump file.");
>> `--dumpfile` and `--gz` can only be used with `--binaryheap`. That should be made clear in the help text. 
>> I just noticed that `jhsdb pmap` does not support the equivalent of `format=x` that the jcmd version does. However, the support is actually there in the SA JMap.java. It's confusing because both `jhsdb jmap` and the clhsdb `dumpheap` command use the JMap class, but neither support passing `format=x` to it. In order to get SA to dump with `format=x`, you would need to launch `sun/jvm/hotspot/tools/JMap` directly and pass in `-heap:format=x`. I'm not suggesting you fix that, but just something for us to be aware of.
>> One question though. Have you tried running JMap directly to make sure the help output looks right. You've made fixes to it in this webrev, but since there are so many different "jmap" commands (5), and each with their own help, I've lost sight of whether or not this is even tested. I don't believe it is, but I wouldn't worry about that. However, since made changes to the help output, it would be good to at least check it out.
>> And if you are wonder what the 5 `jmap` commands are:
>> - SA's `jhsdb jmap --binaryheap` (which uses JMap.java with `-heap:format=b`)
>> - SA's clhsdb `dumpheap` command (which also uses JMap.java with `-heap:format=b`)
>> - executing  SA's `sun/jvm/hotspot/tools/JMap` class directly
>> - `jmap -dump` command (Uses Attach API's `heapdump` command, which uses hotspot `HeapDump` class)
>> - `GC.heap_dump` dcmd, which also uses the hotspot `HeapDumper` class
>> So really there are two implementations of heap dumping, one in the VM and one in SA, but a total of 5 ways to get to them. I'm just starting to get my head wrapped around all this myself. We've created a very confusing situation for us, and unfortunately I think some of the changes that got us here was driven by a goal to simply things.
> Thanks for the thorough list, I have tested most of them but not all. I will cover them and update here later.
>> So really there are two implementations of heap dumping, one in the VM and one in SA, but a total of 5 ways to get to them. I'm just starting to get my head wrapped around all this myself. We've created a very confusing situation for us, and unfortunately I think some of the changes that got us here was driven by a goal to simply things.
> Yes, it makes me even curious about why there can be two different implementation of them (one by C++ and one by Java),  it seems we need double the work of adding new options for those tools, like parallal for jmap histo and dump, etc.

One implementation is in the JVM itself, to be used when the JVM is still running well, and not just from command line tools. Heap dumping can also be triggered by the JVM itslef by setting flags like -XX:+HeapDumpBeforeFullGC. The other implementation is in SA, to be used on a core file or a hung JVM process, although it can also be used on a JVM that is still running well. BTW, there used to be a 3rd implementation. The old hprof profiler (a JVMTI agent) also was used to generate hprof files.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1712

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