RFR: 8178287: AsyncGetCallTrace fails to traverse valid Java stacks [v2]

Ludovic Henry luhenry at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jun 10 07:50:57 UTC 2021

> When the signal sent for AsyncGetCallTrace or JFR would land on a runtime stub (like arraycopy), a vtable stub, or the prolog of a compiled method,  it wouldn't be able to detect the sender (caller) frame for multiple reasons. This patch fixes these cases through adding CodeBlob-specific frame parser which are in the best position to know how a frame is setup.
> The following examples have been profiled with honest-profiler which uses `AsyncGetCallTrace`.
> # `Prof1`
> public class Prof1 {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
>         for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>             sb.append("ab");
>             sb.delete(0, 1);
>         }
>         System.out.println(sb.length());
>     }
> }
> - Baseline:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 99.4,s 99.4) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t  0.5,s  0.2) Prof1::main
>         (t  0.2,s  0.2) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::shift
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.String::getBytes
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
>         (t  0.2,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
> - With `StubRoutinesBlob::FrameParser`:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 98.7,s 98.7) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
>         (t 99.8,s  0.2) Prof1::main
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
>         (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.9,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
> # `Prof2`
> import java.util.function.Supplier;
> public class Prof2 {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         var rand = new java.util.Random(0);
>         Supplier[] suppliers = {
>                 () -> 0,
>                 () -> 1,
>                 () -> 2,
>                 () -> 3,
>         };
>         long sum = 0;
>         for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i++) {
>             sum += (int)suppliers[i % suppliers.length].get();
>         }
>     }
> }
> - Baseline:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 60.7,s 60.7) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t 39.2,s 35.2) Prof2::main
>         (t  1.4,s  1.4) Prof2::lambda$main$3
>         (t  1.0,s  1.0) Prof2::lambda$main$2
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
>         (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.Thread::exit
>         (t  0.9,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$2.0x0000000800c00c28::get
>         (t  1.0,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$3.0x0000000800c01000::get
>         (t  1.4,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$4.0x0000000800c01220::get
>         (t  0.7,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$1.0x0000000800c00a08::get
> - With `VtableBlob::FrameParser` and `nmethod::FrameParser`:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 74.1,s 70.3) Prof2::main
>         (t  6.5,s  5.5) Prof2$$Lambda$29.0x0000000800081220::get
>         (t  6.6,s  5.4) Prof2$$Lambda$28.0x0000000800081000::get
>         (t  5.7,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$26.0x0000000800080a08::get
>         (t  5.9,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$27.0x0000000800080c28::get
>         (t  4.9,s  4.9) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t  1.2,s  1.2) Prof2::lambda$main$2
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$3
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
>         (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]

Ludovic Henry has refreshed the contents of this pull request, and previous commits have been removed. The incremental views will show differences compared to the previous content of the PR. The pull request contains five new commits since the last revision:

 - Disable checks in FrameParser when known to be safe
 - Allow AsyncGetCallTrace and JFR to unwind stack from vtable stub
   The program is the following:
   import java.util.function.Supplier;
   public class Prof2 {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           var rand = new java.util.Random(0);
           Supplier[] suppliers = {
                   () -> 0,
                   () -> 1,
                   () -> 2,
                   () -> 3,
           long sum = 0;
           for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i++) {
               sum += (int)suppliers[i % suppliers.length].get();
   The results are as follows:
   - Baseline (from previous commit):
   Flat Profile (by method):
               (t 39.3,s 39.3) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
               (t 40.3,s 36.1) Prof2::main
               (t  6.4,s  5.3) Prof2$$Lambda$28.0x0000000800081000::get
               (t  6.1,s  5.1) Prof2$$Lambda$29.0x0000000800081220::get
               (t  6.0,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$27.0x0000000800080c28::get
               (t  6.1,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$26.0x0000000800080a08::get
               (t  1.1,s  1.1) Prof2::lambda$main$2
               (t  1.1,s  1.1) Prof2::lambda$main$0
               (t  1.0,s  1.0) Prof2::lambda$main$1
               (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$3
               (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
   - With unwind from vtable stub
   Flat Profile (by method):
           (t 74.1,s 70.3) Prof2::main
           (t  6.5,s  5.5) Prof2$$Lambda$29.0x0000000800081220::get
           (t  6.6,s  5.4) Prof2$$Lambda$28.0x0000000800081000::get
           (t  5.7,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$26.0x0000000800080a08::get
           (t  5.9,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$27.0x0000000800080c28::get
           (t  4.9,s  4.9) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
           (t  1.2,s  1.2) Prof2::lambda$main$2
           (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$3
           (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
           (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
           (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
   We attribute the vtable stub to the caller and not the callee, which is
   already an improvement from the existing case.
 - Allow AsyncGetCallTrace and JFR to unwind stack from nmethod's prolog
   When sampling hits the prolog of a method, Hotspot assumes it's unable
   to parse the frame. This change allows to parse such frame on x86 by
   specializing which instruction it's hitting in the prolog.
   The results are as follows:
   - Baseline:
   Flat Profile (by method):
           (t 60.7,s 60.7) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
           (t 39.2,s 35.2) Prof2::main
           (t  1.4,s  1.4) Prof2::lambda$main$3
           (t  1.0,s  1.0) Prof2::lambda$main$2
           (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
           (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
           (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.Thread::exit
           (t  0.9,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$2.0x0000000800c00c28::get
           (t  1.0,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$3.0x0000000800c01000::get
           (t  1.4,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$4.0x0000000800c01220::get
           (t  0.7,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$1.0x0000000800c00a08::get
   - With incomplete frame parsing:
   Flat Profile (by method):
           (t 39.3,s 39.3) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
           (t 40.3,s 36.1) Prof2::main
           (t  6.4,s  5.3) Prof2$$Lambda$28.0x0000000800081000::get
           (t  6.1,s  5.1) Prof2$$Lambda$29.0x0000000800081220::get
           (t  6.0,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$27.0x0000000800080c28::get
           (t  6.1,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$26.0x0000000800080a08::get
           (t  1.1,s  1.1) Prof2::lambda$main$2
           (t  1.1,s  1.1) Prof2::lambda$main$0
           (t  1.0,s  1.0) Prof2::lambda$main$1
           (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$3
           (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.util.Locale::getInstance
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) AGCT::Not walkable Java[ERR=-6]
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader::loadClassOrNull
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.ClassLoader::loadClass
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) sun.net.util.URLUtil::urlNoFragString
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.Class::forName0
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.util.Locale::initDefault
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader::loadClass
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath::getLoader
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath::getResource
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.String::toLowerCase
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) sun.launcher.LauncherHelper::loadMainClass
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) sun.launcher.LauncherHelper::checkAndLoadMain
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.util.Locale::<clinit>
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader::findClassOnClassPathOrNull
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader::loadClass
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.Class::forName
   The program is as follows:
   import java.util.function.Supplier;
   public class Prof2 {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           var rand = new java.util.Random(0);
           Supplier[] suppliers = {
                   () -> 0,
                   () -> 1,
                   () -> 2,
                   () -> 3,
           long sum = 0;
           for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i++) {
               sum += (int)suppliers[i % suppliers.length].get();
   We see that the results are particularely useful in this case as the
   methods are very short (it only returns an integer), and the probability
   of hitting the prolog is then very high.
 - Allow AsyncGetCallTrace and JFR to walk a stub frame
   When the signal sent for AsyncGetCallTrace or JFR would land on a stub
   (like arraycopy), it wouldn't be able to detect the sender (caller)
   frame because `_cb->frame_size() == 0`.
   Because we fully control how the prolog and epilog of stub code is
   generated, we know there are two cases:
   1. A stack frame is allocated via macroAssembler->enter(), and consists
   in `push rbp; mov rsp, rbp;`.
   2. No stack frames are allocated and rbp is left unchanged and rsp is
   decremented with the `call` instruction that push the return `pc` on the
   For case 1., we can easily know the sender frame by simply looking at
   rbp, especially since we know that all stubs preserve the frame pointer
   (on x86 at least).
   For case 2., we end up returning the sender's sender, but that already
   gives us more information than what we have today.
   The results are as follows:
   - Baseline:
   Flat Profile (by method):
           (t 99.4,s 99.4) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
           (t  0.5,s  0.2) Prof1::main
           (t  0.2,s  0.2) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
           (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::shift
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.String::getBytes
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
           (t  0.2,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
   - With StubRoutinesBlob::FrameParser
   Flat Profile (by method):
           (t 98.7,s 98.7) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
           (t  0.9,s  0.9) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
           (t 99.8,s  0.2) Prof1::main
           (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
           (t  0.0,s  0.0) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
           (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
           (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
           (t  0.9,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
   The program is as follows:
   public class Prof1 {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
           for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
               sb.delete(0, 1);
   We now account for the arraycopy stub which is called by
   AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal. It was previously ignored
   because it would not know how to parse the frame for the arraycopy stub
   and would fall in the AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5] section.
   However, it still isn't perfect since it doesn't point to the arraycopy stub
 - Extract sender frame parsing to CodeBlock::FrameParser
   Whether and how a frame is setup is controlled by the code generator
   for the specific CodeBlock. The CodeBlock is then in the best place to know how
   to parse the sender's frame from the current frame in the given CodeBlock.
   This refactoring proposes to extract this parsing out of `frame` and into a
   `CodeBlock::FrameParser`. This FrameParser is then specialized in the relevant
   inherited children of CodeBlock.
   This change is to largely facilitate adding new supported cases for JDK-8252417
   like runtime stubs.


  - all: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4436/files
  - new: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4436/files/137a0c48..85f218c8

 - full: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=4436&range=01
 - incr: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=4436&range=00-01

  Stats: 6 lines in 2 files changed: 6 ins; 0 del; 0 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4436.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk pull/4436/head:pull/4436

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4436

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