OperatingSystemImpl should factor cpu shares when calculating system load

Argha C mail.arghac at gmail.com
Mon May 3 17:14:07 UTC 2021

I wanted to report an issue we're seeing with the load calculation, when
running with cpu shares > 1, in a container environment. Specifically, the
implementation of  *OperatingSystemImpl#getCpuLoad.*


When running with allocation of multiple cpu shares, ie. > 1 unit, the load
numbers do not comply with the expected range of 0-1. In the example
screenshot, it goes beyond 4.
This miscalculation throws off load based system heuristics, when running
in a container based environment.

*Proposed solution*

In a container aware environment, for load average calculation, the number
of cpu cycles, ie. *getCpuPeriod *must be multiplied by the number of
requested cpu shares by the process, ie. *getCpuShares.*
This would ensure that the load calculation uses the correct denominator
for elapsed time slice periods.

In the screenshot below, this would mean using *getCpuShares *as a
multiplier for *periodLength.*

Please consider validating this behavior. I'd be happy to submit a PR but
I'm not an openjdk author/contributor.
Thanks for your consideration.
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