Integrated: 8263635: Add --servername option to jhsdb debugd

Yasumasa Suenaga ysuenaga at
Thu May 27 04:57:08 UTC 2021

On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 03:15:07 GMT, Yasumasa Suenaga <ysuenaga at> wrote:

> `jhsdb debugd` supports server name prefix with `sun.jvm.hotspot.rmi.serverNamePrefix` system property. It will be used as remote name for SA RMI object. It is "SARemoteDebugger" by default.
> As a result, remote name will be constructed as following:
> //host[:port]/<serverNamePrefix>['_'<id>]
> However we have no way to set it excepting system property. jhsdb should provide the way to set it as a command line option.
> serverNamePrefix is used for RMI object name, so "server name" is more suitable for it. Thus I will add `--servername` to `jhsdb debugd` for this purpose.
> And also we should add the way to specify it when we connect to debug server. I will add it like `--connect id at server:1234/servername`.
> I've also filed [CSR for this PR]( Please review it.
> This PR modifies, but it has been addressed in ProblemList-zgc.txt now. So this PR does not affect ZGC.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 37bc4e2e
Author:    Yasumasa Suenaga <ysuenaga at>
Stats:     153 lines in 12 files changed: 49 ins; 10 del; 94 mod

8263635: Add --servername option to jhsdb debugd

Reviewed-by: cjplummer, sspitsyn



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