JDWP features hidden under JDI

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Tue Nov 23 23:30:43 UTC 2021

Hi Anton,
> Looking at the JDWP specification, it seems that the underlying JDWP 
> protocol
> does support looking up objects using just their id:
Maybe this is just a terminology issue, but I'm not sure what you mean 
by "lookup". JDWP doesn't lookup ObjectIDs. It returns them any place 
where there is an object reference. For example, if a field of a java 
object or stack local refer to a java object, it will be represented by 
an ObjectID.

At the JDI level, an ObjectReference tracks the underlying JDWP 
ObjectID. So in this sense there are two different ways to represent a 
java object; the ObjectReference or the underlying JDWP ObjectID. You've 
pointed out that you can map from an ObjectReference to an ObjectID, but 
not the other way around. There is not a 1-to-1 relationship between 
ObjectReference instances and ObjectIDs. You can have multiple 
ObjectReference objects that reference the same ObjectID. So there is no 
way to map from an ObjectID to an ObjectReference (since there can be 
more than one).

> /My question now is:/
> Is there a specific reason that there is no public factory method to 
> construct
> an ObjectReference from an object id?
> Or would it be "safe" to create a custom `ObjectReference` 
> implementation that
> allows this, as long as it deals with the `INVALID_OBJECT` error case 
> of JDWP?

I think the main issue would be validation. Currently the JDI 
implementation creates ObjectReference instances based on the ObjectID 
it got from JDWP. You're proposing that the user supply the ObjectID. 
The assumption is that it came from another ObjectReference so should be 
valid, but not only is it possible that the ObjectID could have been 
fabricated, but it also could have been valid at one point but no longer 
is (the referred to object may have been GC'd). So the question about 
safety here is somewhat relative. I assume it can be done and should for 
the most part work, but you could possibly run into issues in some error 

One question I have is why do you want to do this? It sounds like you 
want to cache or store ObjectIDs instead of ObjectReferences, but later 
want to map the ObjectID back to an ObjectReference. Why not just store 
the ObjectReference?

> Is there a specific reason, why this location information is not 
> exposed in the
> public interface?

Why do you want the slot? If it is so you can later map the slot to a 
LocalVariable, you'll run into issues if more than one LocalVariable can 
use that slot. This is why LocalVariables have scopeStart and scopeEnd 
fields. You would need to also specify a bytecode index when doing the 
lookup if there is more than one LocalVariable that maps to the same slot.



On 11/23/21 1:25 AM, Anton W. Haubner wrote:
> Hello!
> I am working on a new kind of debugger which extracts information 
> about the
> state of Java programs through the JDI to build RDF knowledge graphs.
> While working on the project, I noticed that there is certain 
> information about
> the program state that is accessible through JDWP, but which is hidden 
> by the
> JDI interfaces (see below for examples).
> I am curious, whether this was done to simplify the interface, or if 
> there is
> a deeper reason behind this, e.g. because the information in question is
> unreliable etc.
> If there is no such reason, I might try to modify the JDI reference
> implementation to provide this information to me.
> *First Example: Retrieving Objects by ID*
> The ObjectReference JDI interface does allow to retrieve the unique id 
> assigned to
> an object by the JDWP agent.
> However, it seems it is not possible to construct an ObjectReference 
> from such
> an id. That is, one can not quickly look up an object by its id, but 
> has to
> search through all objects to find it again.
> Looking at the JDWP specification, it seems that the underlying JDWP 
> protocol
> does support looking up objects using just their id:
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ObjectReference
> The reference implementation of the `ObjectReference` interface also 
> seems to
> only require this id to retrieve all required information:
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/dfacda488bfbe2e11e8d607a6d08527710286982/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ObjectReferenceImpl.java#L109
> /My question now is:/
> Is there a specific reason that there is no public factory method to 
> construct
> an ObjectReference from an object id?
> Or would it be "safe" to create a custom `ObjectReference` 
> implementation that
> allows this, as long as it deals with the `INVALID_OBJECT` error case 
> of JDWP?
> *Second Example: Variable Locations*
> The JDWP `VariableTable` command reply does contain the code index of 
> variables.
> Nevertheless, it is neither possible to retrieve the code index of a 
> variable
> through the `LocalVariable` JDI interface, nor through the `Method` 
> interface.
> Meanwhile, internally, the `LocalVariable` reference implementation 
> does seem
> to store the scope of a variable:
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/dfacda488bfbe2e11e8d607a6d08527710286982/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/LocalVariableImpl.java#L56
> The Eclipse JDI implementation also stores the plain code index value:
> https://git.eclipse.org/c/jdt/eclipse.jdt.debug.git/tree/org.eclipse.jdt.debug/jdi/org/eclipse/jdi/internal/LocalVariableImpl.java#n63
> Is there a specific reason, why this location information is not 
> exposed in the
> public interface?
> Thank you very much for reading my questions.
> Can you help me to answer them?
> Best regards,
> Anton Haubner

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