RFR: 8286030: Avoid JVM crash when containers share the same /tmp dir [v5]

Thomas Stuefe stuefe at openjdk.org
Tue Jul 12 22:39:45 UTC 2022

On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 18:38:33 GMT, Ioi Lam <iklam at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/os/posix/perfMemory_posix.cpp line 807:
>>> 805:     // Hold the lock until here to prevent other JVMs from using this file
>>> 806:     // while we are in the middle of deleting it.
>>> 807:     ::close(fd);
>> I don't understand this comment, it seems to contradict what you are doing. We are closing the only fd referring to this lock file, right? So the lock should get unlocked here too? If we want to keep the lock open, shouldn't we avoid closing the fd?
> I want to prevent the following race condition. Let's assume this process has PID 10 and there's another process (in a different pid namespace) with PID 20. Both process see a file named "20".
> 0. No one holds a lock on this file.
> 1. Process 20 successfully locks the file in cleanup_sharedmem_files().
> 2. Process 20 gives up the lock.
> 3. Process 20 decides it can delete the file (PID 20 matches its own PID).
> 4. This process successfully locks the file in cleanup_sharedmem_files().
> 5. This process gives up the lock
> 6. This process decides it can delete the file (PID 20 does not exist in my pid namespace)
> 7. Process 20 deletes the file. Creates a new version of this file. Successfully locks the new file.
> 8. This process deletes the new version of this file (by name).
> By holding the lock between steps 4 and 8, we can guaranteed that if a process can successfully lock the file in create_sharedmem_file(), this file will never be unintentionally deleted.
> I changed the comment slightly:
>     // Hold the lock until here to prevent other JVMs from using this file
> -   // while we are in the middle of deleting it.
> +   // while we were in the middle of deleting it.

Makes sense, thanks for explaining, and the past tense in the comment helps.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9406

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