RFR: 8291237: Encapsulate nmethod Deoptimization logic

Axel Boldt-Christmas duke at openjdk.org
Thu Jul 28 15:16:42 UTC 2022

On Wed, 27 Jul 2022 12:55:04 GMT, Axel Boldt-Christmas <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

> The proposal is to encapsulate the nmethod mark for deoptimization logic in one place and only allow access to the `mark_for_deoptimization` from a closure object:
> ```C++
> class DeoptimizationMarkerClosure : StackObj {
> public:
>   virtual void marker_do(Deoptimization::MarkFn mark_fn) = 0;
> };
> This closure takes a `MarkFn` which it uses to mark which nmethods should be deoptimized. This marking can only be done through the `MarkFn` and a `MarkFn` can only be created in the following code which runs the closure. 
> ```C++
> {
>   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
>   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Compile_lock);
>   marker_closure.marker_do(MarkFn());
>   anything_deoptimized = deoptimize_all_marked();
> }
> if (anything_deoptimized) {
>   run_deoptimize_closure();
> }
> This ensures that this logic is encapsulated and the `NoSafepointVerifier` and `assert_locked_or_safepoint(Compile_lock)` makes `deoptimize_all_marked` not having to scan the whole code cache sound.
> The exception to this pattern, from `InstanceKlass::unload_class`, is discussed in the JBS issue, and gives reasons why not marking for deoptimization there is ok.
> An effect of this encapsulation is that the deoptimization logic was moved from the `CodeCache` class to the `Deoptimization` class and the class redefinition logic was moved from the `CodeCache` class to the `VM_RedefineClasses` class/operation. 
> Testing: Tier 1-5

@fisk suggested using a RAII context object instead of a closure to guarantee the encapsulated invariants. Testing the patch now and will push when done. Not having to create a closure everywhere makes the code less verbose and more readable.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9655

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