RFR: 8312623: SA add NestHost and NestMembers attributes when dumping class

Ashutosh Mehra duke at openjdk.org
Mon Jul 31 15:30:55 UTC 2023

On Thu, 27 Jul 2023 22:39:03 GMT, David Holmes <dholmes at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @dholmes-ora sorry for responding late. I got sidetracked by some other work.
>>> We need to be sure this works as expected for top-level classes that have no nest members, and deeply nested nest members, plus dynamically injected hidden classes that are nest members.
>> I am not sure I understand this concern. We are getting nest-host and nest-members from the InstanceKlass. As long as this information is recorded in InstanceKlass, it would work. Can you please elaborate your concern about the cases you feel may not work.
>>> I'm unclear if this is intended to only expose the same details as would be statically defined in the attribute in the classfile?
>> It is to expose the details as the JVM sees, which may be different from what is statically defined in the classfile if agents are involved.
> @ashu-mehra you indicated that you had only done two basic manual tests to check the output. You need to check it for the cases that I flagged too. In the VM every top-level class is its own nest-host, but that is not expressed in a classfile attribute (it is just the defined semantics) so displaying this as-if it were an explicit attribute may not be right.

@dholmes-ora I confirmed there is no nest-host or nest-members attributes generated by this patch for a top level class which doesn't have any nest-members. Is that what you wanted to verify?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15005#issuecomment-1658599841

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