Clarifying jmethodID Usage and Potential JVM Crashes

Jaroslav Bachorík jaroslav.bachorik at
Wed May 31 13:23:43 UTC 2023

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 3:16 PM Dan Heidinga <heidinga at> wrote:

> On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 7:13 AM Jaroslav Bachorík <
> jaroslav.bachorik at> wrote:
>> Dear Team,
>> I've been investigating the unusual JVM crashes occurring in JVMTI calls
>> on a J9 JVM. During my investigation, I scrutinized the `jmethodID`
>> definition closely, available here: [jmethodID definition](
>> ).
>> To paraphrase, the definition suggests that `jmethodID` identifies a Java
>> method, initializer, or constructor. These identifiers, once returned by
>> JVM TI functions and events, can be safely stored. However, when the class
>> is unloaded, they become invalid, rendering them unsuitable for use.
> The "typical" usage pattern is to create a JNI reference (local or global)
> to the relevant class and keep that reference for the duration of the
> jmethodID's life.  If the jmethodID needs to exist past the end of the
> local method, then it needs to be accompanied in some way by a global
> reference to the class.  This works great for JNI as you typically need to
> look up the class first before looking up methods.  JVMTI is more a
> challenge here as it's possible to get the jmethodID without already
> holding the class - GetMethodDeclaringClass can help here if the jmethodID
> is still valid.

Unfortunately, GetMethodDeclaringClass would crash if the jmethodID is not
valid any more, so it really can not be used safely as well.

>> My interpretation is that the JVMTI user should verify the validity of a
>> `jmethodID` value before using it to prevent potential crashes. Would you
>> agree with this interpretation?
> Mostly.  I agree that using an invalid jmethodID will cause crashes but
> unfortunately, I'm not aware of any spec'd methods to verify its validity.
>> This sounds like a sensible requirement, but its practical application
>> remains unclear. As far as I know, methods can be unloaded concurrently to
>> the native code executing JVMTI functions. This introduces a potential race
>> condition where the JVM unloads the methods during the check->use flow,
>> making it only a partial solution. To complicate matters further, no method
>> exists to confirm whether a `jmethodID` is valid.
>> Theoretically, we could monitor the `CompiledMethodUnload` event to track
>> the validity state, creating a constantly expanding set of unloaded
>> `jmethodID` values or a bloom filter, if one does not care about few
>> potential false positives. This strategy, however, doesn't address the
>> potential race condition, and it could even exacerbate it due to possible
>> event delays. This delay might mistakenly validate a `jmethodID` value that
>> has already been unloaded, but for which the event hasn't been delivered
>> yet.
> And CompileMethodUnloaded isn't the right event either as the jmethodID
> could still be valid.  If there was a ClassUnloaded event, and a mapping
> from class->jmethodID, it would be possible to invalidate the jmethodIDs
> but I'm not aware of any spec'd events that provide those details.

Yes, I see that there are more pieces missing here :(

>> Honestly, I don't see a way to use `jmethodID` safely unless the code
>> using it suspends the entire JVM and doesn't resume until it's finished
>> with that `jmethodID`. Any other approach might lead to JVM crashes, as
>> we've observed with J9.
>> Lastly, it's noteworthy that Hotspot takes meticulous measures to ensure
>> that using jmethodIDs for unloaded methods doesn't crash the JVM and even
>> provides useful information. This observation has led me to question
>> whether the documentation aligns with the Hotspot implementation,
>> especially given that following closely the documentation appears to
>> increase the risk associated with the use of `jmethodID` values.
> I did a pass through the spec after becoming aware of the crashes you were
> seeing on J9 and couldn't find a spec-compliant way to prevent the
> crashes.  It feels like there's some missing methods in the spec to make
> your use case safe.

Indeed. This is all even worse when one would use ASGCT as there is not
even a theoretical possibility to create a strong reference to a class
holding a particular jmethodID - doing so for every single collected frame
would be a performance nightmare, not even mentioning the fact that ASGCT
is used from a signal handler where any complex JVMTI operations are simply
not safe.


> --Dan
>> I welcome your thoughts and perspectives on this matter.
>> Best regards,
>> Jaroslav
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