JDK-8330846 - Status check

Iñigo Mediavilla imediava at gmail.com
Tue May 28 14:17:04 UTC 2024


I'm redirecting this message here, that I posted in the beginning to the
loom-dev mailing list.

I've been looking at possible tickets that I could work on in JBS, and I've
run into : JDK-8330846 - Add stacks of mounted virtual threads to the
HotSpot thread dump

Link: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8330846

It seems to be assigned to, Alex Menkov. Alex, is it something that you're
working on or that you'd want to work on, or would you be OK if I gave a it
a try ?


Íñigo Mediavilla Saiz
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