RFR: 8338894: Deprecate jhsdb debugd for removal

Kevin Walls kevinw at openjdk.org
Tue Sep 3 08:44:32 UTC 2024

On Tue, 3 Sep 2024 08:06:14 GMT, Kevin Walls <kevinw at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Deprecation annotations and warnings on starting the tool(s).
> Handle man page in a separate issue.

Add annotation Deprecated(since="24", forRemoval=true) on the various startServer methods, and shutdownServer

Add deprecation warnings in help messages.

A standalone launcher, providing another main entry point (separate to jhsdb), which creates a HotSpotAgent() and calls startServer().  This class should have the same deprecation annotation, and print a warning in its main method.

Handle man page in a separate issue.

bash-4.2$ build/linux-x64/images/jdk/bin/jhsdb
    clhsdb              command line debugger
    hsdb                ui debugger                                                                                                
    debugd --help       to get more information (deprecated)
    jstack --help       to get more information
    jmap   --help       to get more information
    jinfo  --help       to get more information
    jsnap  --help       to get more information

bash-4.2$ build/linux-x64/images/jdk/bin/jhsdb debugd --help                                                                   
WARNING: debugd is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.                                                           
  --serverid <id>     ...etc...
bash-4.2$ build/linux-x64/images/jdk/bin/jhsdb jstack --help
    --locks                 To print java.util.concurrent locks.                                                                 
    --mixed                 To print both Java and native frames (mixed mode).
    --pid <pid>             To attach to and operate on the given live process.
    --core <corefile>       To operate on the given core file.
    --exe <executable for corefile>
    --connect [<serverid>@]<host>[:registryport][/servername] To connect to a remote debug server (debugd).

WARNING: debugd (and therefore --connect) are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

    The --core and --exe options must be set together to give the core..etc...

bash-4.2$ build/linux-x64/images/jdk/bin/jhsdb debugd --pid 123                                                                
WARNING: debugd is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.                                                         
Attaching to process ID 123 and starting RMI services, please wait...  

Additionally, update the html docs with the same warning:


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20830#issuecomment-2325899441

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