Remote debugging should print warning when binding to external address
Aleksei Ivanov
alexey.ivanov at
Mon Jan 20 20:47:58 UTC 2025
On 2025-01-20 20:36, some-java-user-99206970363698485155 at
> Thanks for the information! Though I cannot see the report. Is it
> still pending review / evaluation or was it made private to hide
> information? Is it still open or was it resolved as "Won't fix" or
> similar?
Yes, the bug is marked confidential. I didn't notice it right away.
It is open.
> It seems I wasn't informed that the report had been created; at least
> I cannot find the confirmation mail for it. Note that I had specified
> a different private contact e-mail address.
It's because the bug isn't public.
> Note: I am dropping serviceability-dev at from CC now. I had
> originally included it because I thought it might have been better
> fitting for this mail, but I didn't get a confirmation mail for the
> list subscription, so I wasn't sure whether the mail would go through.
This discussion belongs on serviceability-dev at It's
discuss at that should be dropped.
> 20.01.2025, 21:16 Aleksei Ivanov:
>> Hello,
>> Your bug report exists in JBS:
>> On 2025-01-20 20:07,
>> some-java-user-99206970363698485155 at wrote:
>>> Side note: I am rather certain I had also reported this on the JDK
>>> bug tracker through quite a while ago
>>> (unless I am misremembering this) also referring to the IDEA bug
>>> report IDEA-349570 in the description, but it seems the JDK bug
>>> report was never created and I never got a response (?). See also my
>>> general concerns with the current bug reporting in
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