Troubles with Shenandoah

Roman Kennke rkennke at
Sun Apr 7 13:24:29 UTC 2019

> I have 2 questions:
> > > 
> > > A) is the version I'm using a "stable" enough version (it's this
> > > one:
> > >
> > 
> > That is basically 12u bleeding edge for testing, and it might be
> > broken. The releases that ship by
> > major vendors are usually much more stable.
> This is a point I'm struggling with.
> Oracle does not ship 12 with Shenandoah.
> At there is no link for downloading a Linux JDK with
> Shenandoah, only Windows
> (
> Cannot find it at
> Thanks to you there is, or otherwise I
> would need to build it myself (no big deal to build it - I've done it
> in the recent past, but I find it so strange that there are no
> binaries under a big, easy-to-find, link).
> Do you have pointers for a non-RedHat Linux 12-with-Shenandoah
> binaries?

I haven't checked, but I was under the assumption that AdoptOpenJDK
binaries have Shenandoah enabled. Isn't that the case?

I.e. this guy:


> > > B) is there any command line option that I can set to make
> > > Shenandoah
> > > verify that it's doing the job correctly? Or maybe use some debug
> > > version of Shenandoah that could help identify if there is an
> > > issue?
> > 
> > Checklist is here:
> >  
> >
> Will do, thanks!

I will also investigate as soon as I get to it.

Thanks for reporting the issue.


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