Troubles with Shenandoah

Roman Kennke rkennke at
Sun Apr 7 18:16:48 UTC 2019

> Also, any idea what it gets stuck on?
> No.
> The web application is a chat application: it receives 1 message via
> HTTP request and sends that message to other 10 clients.
> Lots of short lives objects (HTTP request/response, gazillions of
> strings for headers/fields and such, messages converted to/from JSON,
> etc.).
> There are long-lived objects such as the client sessions on
> server-side and they have a queue of messages (also long-lived).
> No application exceptions and no crashes, and works with
> heuristics=passive, I frankly don't know what to think.
> Perhaps the server-side queues lose messages, and that's why the
> clients report that?
> Will try the fastdebug build and report back.
> Is there anything special I need to set for the fastdebug run?

No, run as normal. It will be slower, but may throw interesting

Also, might be worth running with latest jdk13 build:

We have completely rewired the barriers, and this may behave


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