[11u] RFR/RFC: Bulk backport to sh/jdk11

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Thu May 16 11:43:56 UTC 2019


This bunch includes:

 8223980: Shenandoah: Refactor and fix ObjArrayChunkedTask verification
 8223762: Shenandoah: overflows in calculations involving heap capacity
 8223759: Shenandoah should allow arbitrarily low initial heap size
 8223427: [TESTBUG] Disable JTReg Shenandoah tests when Graal is enabled
 8223447: Stabilize gc/shenandoah/TestStringDedupStress test
 8223446: Shenandoah breaks alignment with some HumongousThreshold values

Testing: hotspot_gc_shenandoah {fastdebug|release}, also with Graal enabled


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