Location for repository?

Johan Vos johan at lodgon.com
Wed Aug 14 19:57:44 UTC 2019


As discussed on the OpenJDK Mobile mailinglist [1] I would like to use a
repository that leverage the Skara tools for doing the mobile-specific work
in OpenJDK. Previously, we had repositories on hg.openjdk.java.net [2]
which occasionally pulled in changesets from jdk/jdk.

The idea now is to use an always-synchronized fork of the jdk for
openjdk-mobile, where we can use the Skara tools for development. The goal
is to have as many changes as possible going upstream to jdk (hence making
them not mobile-specific).

What would be the policy for the location for such repository? We were on
hg.openjdk.java.net in the past, so somehow aligned with
https://github.com/openjdk would be great. I see a number of other OpenJDK
projects there, so it seems to be a good rule?

For now, I created a fork of openjdk/jdk at
https://github.com/mobileopenjdk/jdk which I rebase regularly. This could
be replaced by a skara bot probably.


- Johan

[1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/mobile-dev/2019-June/000584.html
[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/mobile

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