Feature request: automatic JDK builds & build status badge for each platform

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Jun 2 03:28:37 UTC 2020

We have an Oracle-internal CI system for JDK builds and have thought it 
would be useful to publish some information from that system externally 
in a way that can be associated with changesets.


On 6/1/2020 9:31 AM, Ty Young wrote:
> Anything on this? Could it be done?
> On 5/29/20 10:46 AM, Ty Young wrote:
>> (Apologies if this isn't within the scope of Skara or has been 
>> discussed before. Please don't shoot me if either are true.)
>> Hi,
>> I frequently compile-from-source and use Project Panama's 
>> Foreign-Memory-Access(FMA) builds from Github[1]. While this works, 
>> it requires a lot of processing power, memory, and time to do and JDK 
>> builds sometimes fail to build or have JVM bugs that result in 
>> unexpected crashes. It is also fairly common in places such as the 
>> U.S. to have data caps that can easily be eaten up by downloading JDK 
>> source code that doesn't even compile.
>> So, I'm wondering if automatic JDK builds and a checkmark badge for 
>> each and every JDK platform could be added to resolve these issues. I 
>> know it's a bit of a tall order, but doing so would really help 
>> people like myself who frequently use in-development JDK features. 
>> Perhaps it could help increase the amount of people playing around 
>> with these in-development features as well since the bar to enter 
>> will be lowered.
>> Presumably these builds are already being built somewhere and go 
>> through testing, but if not or if making them public isn't an option, 
>> perhaps using Github's "Actions" feature would suffice for building? 
>> Just an idea.
>> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign

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