Backport Experience

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at
Thu Jan 7 23:12:59 UTC 2021

Hi Skara Team,

I just made my first Skara backport from openjdk to jdk16 [0].

I was following the process described in the Wiki [1]. It seems like there are still some gaps which I’d like to report here.

1. The feature to do a backport by commenting on the original change (which would be very cool and convenient) doesn’t seem to work yet. I commented on the original commit [2] but nothing happened.
2. Then I tried “git backport” as described in the Wiki - I got: git: 'backport' is not a git command. See 'git --help' (although I ran git skara update before). It seems this is not implemented yet…

So, my question would then be: Will this be implemented and if yes, what’s the ETA? ��

Other than that, I’ve got another point which I don’t know whether it can be fixed. In the backport commit on GitHub, one can read: “Backport-of: 3f9f86f0d3f918b9955ba6ba73c9c58ae8fcf7cb”. It would be cool, if this commit ID could be a link to the original commit. Do you know whether this could be implemented? Otherwise I need to go to the original commit via the indirection of the JBS bug link, which is probably ok-ish, too.



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