Weird build failure on MacOS/Big Sur/AArch64

Andrew Haley aph at
Wed May 5 10:28:50 UTC 2021

On 5/5/21 2:44 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 5/05/2021 2:33 am, erik.joelsson at wrote:
>> Hello Andrew,
>> I think you are first in trying this on MacOS AArch64. I don't currently 
>> have access to such a machine to try it. Most likely it's something 
>> simple with the logic for picking the JDK to download for running the 
>> build.
> Build instructions assume CDS is always available?
> ./plugins/skara-images/src/main/java/org/openjdk/skara/gradle/images/
> project.exec((spec) -> {
>                  spec.setCommandLine(java, "-Xshare:dump", "-version");
>              });
> but no guarantee a JDK has CDS enabled. Also seems wrong to assume that 
> you should create a new CDS archive for the JDK being used even if CDS 
> is enabled.

Yay! Removing that line was all I needed.

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Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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