[Investigation] Add JEP check to the PR

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Fri Apr 29 17:23:03 UTC 2022

2022/4/28 17:52:38 -0700, lgxbslgx at gmail.com:
> FYI: the new command `jep` [1] is now available in the JDK project[2].
> Please try it,  and give feedback if you find a bug or have a suggestion.

People most commonly refer to JEPs by JEP numbers rather than JBS issue
numbers.  I’d therefore expect to be able to type `/jep 123` rather than
have to remember to type `/jep JEP-123`, especially since the `JEP-123`
notation isn’t used in any other context.

Can you please remove the need to type the `JEP-` prefix?

- Mark

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