Integrated: 1456: hgupdate-sync labeling ignores suffix on 8u releases

Erik Joelsson erikj at
Tue May 31 20:12:06 UTC 2022

On Fri, 27 May 2022 21:47:00 GMT, Erik Joelsson <erikj at> wrote:

> This patch adds a new concept to the hgupdate-sync label logic, which I had naively thought was already there. Any version string with an "opt" part (basically a -suffix) gets treated as a separate release stream. I think this makes sense and is easily understood, but I'm looking for more eyes and thoughts on this.
> While working on it, an existing test started failing. I ended up removing it as I can't see how that test is relevant or even correct. AFAIK we never accept X-pool as fixVersion when an issue is resolved, and hgupdate-sync should only be considered for resolved or closed bugs. I think this test was based on trying to mimic the old labeler and happened to find a mislabeled set of bugs.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 81bf44d0
Author:    Erik Joelsson <erikj at>
Stats:     37 lines in 2 files changed: 23 ins; 11 del; 3 mod

1456: hgupdate-sync labeling ignores suffix on 8u releases

Reviewed-by: kcr, iris



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