RFR: 1937: Re-evaulate all PRs when .jcheck/conf changes

Zhao Song zsong at openjdk.org
Tue Jun 13 18:24:41 UTC 2023

On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:04:36 GMT, Erik Joelsson <erikj at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> As Erik said in the issue: "When we bump the version in .jcheck/conf from N to N+1 in the jdk master branch, PRs with CSRs are often not updated to reflect this."
>> This root cause of this is that changing of .jcheck/conf in target ref of the pr will not be able to trigger checkWorkItem for this pr.
>> In this patch,
>> 1. The prBot will monitor the changes to the .jcheck/conf file in any branch(except for PR branches).
>> 2. If the prBot detects an update to the .jcheck/conf file in a branch, it will trigger a checkWorkItem for all open PRs whose target ref is the branch where the .jcheck/conf file was updated.
>> 3. To solve the problem related with bot restarting, the contents of the .jcheck/conf file in the target branch of a PR will be included in the metadata hash.
> bots/pr/src/main/java/org/openjdk/skara/bots/pr/CheckRun.java line 1338:
>> 1336:             // Calculate current metadata to avoid unnecessary future checks
>> 1337:             var metadata = workItem.getMetadata(workItem.getPRMetadata(censusInstance, title, updatedBody, pr.comments(), activeReviews,
>> 1338:                     newLabels, pr.targetRef(), pr.isDraft(), pr.targetRefJCheckConf()), workItem.getIssueMetadata(updatedBody), expiresIn);
> The .jcheck/conf file is already read when creating the `CensusInstance` (and may sometimes even be overridden and located in another repository). I think we should store the raw .jcheck/conf string in `LimitedCensusInstance` and get it from there in the rest of `CheckWorkItem`/`CheckRun`.

Yes, it's a good point. Will fix it


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/skara/pull/1531#discussion_r1228532965

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