<Sound Dev> Request for review: 7196576: javac warnings cleanup from Adopt OpenJDK bugathon

Alex Menkov alexey.menkov at oracle.com
Tue Sep 18 02:46:32 PDT 2012

Hi Martijn,

Generally the fix looks good, but there are some notes:


   // set the AudioInputStream length in frames if we know it
   if (stream instanceof AudioInputStream) {
-     frameLength = ((AudioInputStream)stream).getFrameLength();
+     frameLength = stream.getFrameLength();

stream is always instance of AudioInputStream and is not null
so the check for instanceof could be dropped:

- // set the AudioInputStream length in frames if we know it
- if (stream instanceof AudioInputStream) {
-     frameLength = ((AudioInputStream)stream).getFrameLength();
- }
+ frameLength = stream.getFrameLength();

  - the same note as for AlawCodec.java


   } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
       // something went wrong with synth
       if (e instanceof MidiUnavailableException) {
-         mue = (MidiUnavailableException) e;
+         mue = e;

analogically should be
   } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
       // something went wrong with synth
-      if (e instanceof MidiUnavailableException) {
-         mue = (MidiUnavailableException) e;
-      }
+      mue = e;

and a bit more complex case several line later:
   // then try to connect to the default Receiver
   try {
       rec = MidiSystem.getReceiver();
   } catch (Exception e) {
       // something went wrong. Nothing to do then!
       if (e instanceof MidiUnavailableException) {
           mue = (MidiUnavailableException) e;

MidiSystem.getReceiver() may throw only MidiUnavailableException, so the 
statements could be simplified to:
   // then try to connect to the default Receiver
   try {
       rec = MidiSystem.getReceiver();
   } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
       // something went wrong. Nothing to do then!
       mue = e;


On 15.09.2012 16:10, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Hi all,
> Artem Ananiev very kindly raised bugs and a webrev for the patches
> sent in from a Bugathon we ran back in April (patches have been tested
> against latest source tree).
> The bug numbers are:
> 7196576: [Bugathon] Reduce the number of javac warnings in JavaSound
> The corresponding webrevs are at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~art/Bugathon-2012/webrev.media/
> Thanks to Artem, Stuart and Phil for helping out with the correct
> splitting of patches etc.
> Cheers,
> Martijn

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