Issue Tracking

John Rose john.r.rose at
Fri Dec 7 16:25:01 PST 2012

On Dec 6, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Deneau, Tom wrote:

> Another startup question for Sumatra...
> What if anything do OpenJDK projects typically use for issue tracking?

What Brian said is true.  If we want a structured issue data base right now, we have to make a JIRA instance.  For example, here's my favorite issue in the Lambda EG JIRA project:  :-)

I think that's possible, but I'd like the 335 EG to test those waters first.  Anyway, I don't think we need this until we have a few dozen issues to track.

For O(30) issues, flat files or wikis work great.  Shall we start with simpler tech?

In that vein, I just gave you edit rights to this wiki:

To me, it seems convenient to use HotSpotInternals, at least at first, as an option for hosting shared design work that will radically affect hotspot.  If we outgrow that box, we can obtain another wiki (or JIRA, if that makes sense).


— John

P.S.  Proposal for HG repo coming up next.

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