sumatra/graal build instructions

Jules Gosnell jules_gosnell at
Sun Feb 15 21:29:53 UTC 2015

Thanks for the heads up, Doychin,

interesting - I didn't notice any postings on either sumatra or 
graal-dev regarding this...

perhaps someone in the know would care to comment and clarify the situation.

specifically, I would like to know how this impacts the delivery of an 
HSA-enabled JVM and whether the HSA backend is continuing development 

many thanks,


On 15/02/15 09:06, Doychin Bondzhev wrote:
> Hi,
> Few weeks back there was a change set that removed all HSAIL and PTX
> specific code from graal. I don't know what that means but I suspect
> that graal won't support GPU code for now.
> This also leaves sumatra future unknown for the moment unles someone
> with more knowledge provides us with more information.
> Have a nice day,
> On 14.2.2015 г. 20:08 ч., Jules Gosnell wrote:
>> BTW - if you need more detail:
>> here is the jdk8 build log :
>> I then take that jdk8 and build a graal enabled jdk8:
>> Then I use this to build/run my project clumatra:
>> this last build fails because the graal jvm fails to start saying:
>> Unrecognized VM option 'UseHSAILDeoptimization'
>> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
>> Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
>> I've tried removing this option and just die on the next graal-specific
>> option - I have to remove all of them to start the jvm and then it is
>> not much use to me:
>> -Xms1g -Xmx8g -server -XX:-UseHSAILDeoptimization
>> -XX:-UseHSAILSafepoints -G:Log=CodeGen -XX:+GPUOffload
>> -XX:+TraceGPUInteraction -XX:-UseGraalClassLoader
>> I'm hoping that there was some change that went in recently whereby I
>> have to build or run with some new flag about which I don't know ?
>> any help would be much appreciated.
>> Jules
>> P.S.
>> if you want to look over the build scripts they are here :
>> On 14/02/15 12:53, Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>> over xmas I rebuilt my ci server and hsa box on fedora 21, I upgraded to
>>> kfd-1.0 and took some time out - so I'm not sure whether I have a os /
>>> kfd or bit-rot issue...
>>> I've had a problem building sumatra, which I fixed last night by rolling
>>> back to gnu make 3.81.
>>> I'm now having a problem with the graal build.
>>> my build script, which produced a vm which understood all the graal cli
>>> flags before xmas, now produces a vm which does not seem to know
>>> anything about graal...
>>> I'm following the instructions  at:
>>> I note that the unit test 'hsail.test.IntAddTest' no longer seems to
>>> exist, so the instructions seem to be outdated. Is there anything else
>>> that I am missing for building a working sumatra/graal stack ?
>>> many thanks,
>>> Jules

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