From bahram.yarahmadi at Sun Jun 19 10:19:46 2016 From: bahram.yarahmadi at (Bahram Yarahmadi) Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 14:49:46 +0430 Subject: linkToTargetMethod Message-ID: Hello guys I want to run Lambdas with stream APIs on GPUs,I have developed a backend for graal Jit compiler which generates OpenCL C from graal IR (lamda$xx at runtime) I have a problem with my OpenCL C host code which must be somewhere on cfg . IntStream.rang(0,10).parallel.forEach(i-//); there are at least 4 InvokeNodes in Graal IR which are Intstream.range IntStream.parallel 344560770.linkToTargetMethod and IntStream.ForEach ,I omited 3 of them which are Intstream.range IntStream.parallel and IntStream.ForEach and then tried to redirect 344560770.linkToTargetMethod to a method which contains my openCL C host code but everytime I attempts I get an error ,I think the problem is related to framestates and bytecode index .... what should I do in order to redirect this method ? the methodCallTarget of this mehod has an constant argument which is DirectMethodHandle at 559450121 Regards Bahram