<Swing Dev> HTML parser tr, td and th tags.

Phil Race Phil.Race at Sun.COM
Mon Jul 2 14:14:18 UTC 2007


As I told you on the awt-dev list, if you have a bug to report,
please report it at bugs.sun.com, not on these lists.


Paulo Levi wrote:
> It seems that the boolean breaksflow() method for the tr, td and th 
> (at least, didn't test others) tags gives wrong results.
> t.TR.breaksFlow() == false
> t.TD.breaksFlow() == true
> t.TH.breaksFlow() == true
> Considering that the breaksflow method says:
> /**
> * Returns <code>true</code> if this tag causes a
> * line break to the flow of data, otherwise returns
> * <code>false</code>.
> *
> * @return <code>true</code> if this tag causes a
> *   line break to the flow of data, otherwise returns
> *   <code>false</code>
> */
> Unless we consider justification as a line break, i think its wrong.
> Anyway i didn't sign the contributor agreement but this seems like an 
> easy fix: would somebody check it out?

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