<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6463712: JSpinner forwards events from old model

David Gilbert david.gilbert at object-refinery.com
Fri Jul 13 16:07:51 UTC 2007

Hi Richard,

Richard Bair wrote:
> After both reviewers give it the ok, I can put the bug back. It will 
> then take several weeks before the swing workspace is integrated back 
> into the main workspace, goes through testing, and pops out in a build.
Thanks for the info.  This is a simple patch, so I can easily forget 
about it until it "pops out in a build", but if the patch was larger / 
more complex, by now I'd have forgotten all the details. 

I think an improvement to the process would be to set up a 
"contributors" build, and have that run daily against a regression test 
suite (or a number of test suites), with results posted automatically to 
the OpenJDK web site.  Then I could submit my patch, get it committed 
"as soon as", wait for the test suite to update and check for 
regressions.  The key point is that if there are regressions, I'd like 
to know about them as quick as possible, so I can rework the patch 
(while the bug or whatever is still fresh in my mind).  Once I've got a 
patch that doesn't break anything obvious, I'm happy to wait through the 
long QA process to get it into a real build (or deal with anything that 
the QA picks up that the automated regression tests didn't).

I'm sure this is an obvious suggestion, and I'm sure it's being worked 
on...but for now the long feedback loop is deterring me from spending 
too much time on OpenJDK (which isn't so bad, since I may have a little 
more time to look at stuff like JSRs 295/296).



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