<Swing Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] pluggable AWT peers/graphicsenv
Roman Kennke
roman.kennke at aicas.com
Fri Jun 22 15:03:11 UTC 2007
Hi again,
> I'd like to hear your opinions on that issue with the goal to reach a
> decision whether we should try to develop that inside OpenJDK or if I
> should better do it separately. I'd also like to keep the technical
> considerations low (let's do that if we decide for yes). I know it's
> possible to do and I am going to do this anyway, the question is as
> part
> of OpenJDK or not.
One more thing. In order to keep the discussion sanely on one thread, I
propose everybody answers on one list only, say awt-dev.
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Roman Kennke, Software Engineer, http://kennke.org
aicas Allerton Interworks Computer Automated Systems GmbH
Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18 * D-76131 Karlsruhe * Germany
http://www.aicas.com * Tel: +49-721-663 968-0
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Geschäftsführer: Dr. James J. Hunt
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