[PATCH] 6463712: JSpinner forwards events from old model

David Gilbert david.gilbert at object-refinery.com
Mon May 14 13:51:33 UTC 2007


The attached patch is a proposed fix for bug 6463712.  It is a one-line 
fix to the setModel(SpinnerModel) method - the listener that works on 
behalf of the JSpinner to forward events from the model needs to be 
deregistered from the old model when a new model is assigned.

The patch includes a regression test that can be run using jtreg.  I 
also tested using the JSpinner-related tests in Mauve[1].

I'm working against the initial OpenJDK source release (b12). 

Any questions, just ask...


Dave Gilbert

[1]  http://sourceware.org/mauve/

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