List of encumbrances

Jeff Dinkins Jeff.Dinkins at Sun.COM
Wed May 16 16:43:35 UTC 2007

Hi -

Someone from the Swing team will no doubt pipe up with the definitive  
answer, but my belief is that there is no encumbered Swing code as  
such. There were a few images that were pulled out for trademark/ 
copyright reasons, but those were replaced by "home grown" versions.

The discussion about the audio and 2D encumbrances will (of course)  
take place on those aliases. :-)


On May 16, 2007, at 2:37 AM, Roman Kennke wrote:

> Am Dienstag, den 15.05.2007, 17:01 -0700 schrieb Kirill Grouchnikov:
>> I forgot the umbrella link, but there have been five modules:
>> Color Chooser
>> Something else
>> I don't know which parts in color chooser are encumbered, but Quaqua
>> and Substance LAFs provide BSD-licensed implementations of color
>> chooser panels:
> I think this is not about a color chooser in Swing, but about the  
> color
> management library in java.awt.color.
> /Roman

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