<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal in com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Tue Apr 8 13:57:12 UTC 2008

Hi Pavel (and others)!

What is the current state of the Mercurial transition of the OpenJDK 
project? I can't find much information about that from Kelly's blog, the 
OpenJDK web site or anywhere else. There hasn't been a new release of 
jdk 7 for months, but now I see some activity on the Swing Mercurial 
respository again.

Thanks for the info!


Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
> Hi Florian,
> The transition to Mercurial is a little bit postponed. I think, that 
> repository will be opened while a couple of weeks.
> P.S. Some information about Mercurial transition you can get from 
> Kelly's blog: http://blogs.sun.com/kto/
> Thanks, Pavel.
>> Hi Pavel!
>> Ok, great!
>> Just for information: Why can nobody make changes in the jdk7
>> repository? For how long?
>> -Florian
>> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>>> Hi Florian,
>>> Now your patch looks perfectly! Let's wait the moment when I will be 
>>> able to commit this patch (now nobody can make changes in the jdk7 
>>> repository) and then we'll continue with your changes.
>>> Regards, Pavel.
>>>> Hi Pavel!
>>>>> Your patch looks good. I've only one notice: we don't use "TAB"
>>>>> characters in our sources. Can you remove all TABs from your fix?
>>>> Yes, of course! I wonder in which step I changed them to TABs!? I 
>>>> send you here the same patch but without the TABs.
>>>> -Florian
>>>> Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2008 schrieb Pavel Porvatov:
>>>>> Hi Florian,
>>>>>> Hi Pavel!
>>>>>> As you remember I'm working on adding generics to the 
>>>>>> Swing-framework. To
>>>>>> see if I introduce new warnings while working on this task 
>>>>>> (especially
>>>>>> unchecked and cast warnings) I need to reduce the number of 
>>>>>> warnings in
>>>>>> the Swing-project first.
>>>>>> I cloned the following repository:
>>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/jdk Is this correct?
>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> When compiling with
>>>>>> -Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation
>>>>>> -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 2300
>>>>>> this patch reduces the number of reported warnings from 1277 to 
>>>>>> 1262.
>>>>> Your patch looks good. I've only one notice: we don't use "TAB"
>>>>> characters in our sources. Can you remove all TABs from your fix?
>>>>>> The basis of this patch is  the changeset 99a06bc7fdb5. It has been
>>>>>> created with 'hg diff'. NetBeans' 'Tools->Apply Diff Patch' does 
>>>>>> not work
>>>>>> unfortunatly but 'hg import' should work.
>>>>>> And now: Happy New Year! :-)
>>>>> Thanks. Our holidays finished a couple days ago. Sorry for delay...
>>>>> Pavel.

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