<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal in com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Tue Apr 29 12:53:36 UTC 2008

Hi Pavel!
> I've pushed your changes into 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk, changeset is here 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk/rev/5b1734431fa5. Note that 
> these changes can appear in http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/jdk 
> in June in the build 28 (have a look at integration schedule 
> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/builds/). To avoid conflicts use 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk, please.
Ok, thanks for the information.
> So you can send me the last part of the fix with ALL remained changes. 
> Don't put in the sources TABs characters and trailing whitespaces, 
> please.
You once told me:
 >Note, that I cannot review diffs with size 300kb, I'm sorry :( . I 
reviewed 20 kb and it took some time. And it will be difficult to review 
new changes in Your diffs, so try to separate Your changes into files 
not more than 5-10 kb. Let's >start with the first change with size 
about 50 kb (select separation as you want)
 >3. You send me Your changes, I review it and return feedback
 >4. If Your change is excellent, I will commit these changes via our 
internal procedure (don't worry about this step :))
 >5. We repeat the steps 3-4 and so on... (We can increase a next diffs)
So how should we continue? Send you all remaining fixes at once or in 
small portions? What do you like more?

> Regards, Pavel.
>> Ok, thanks
>> -Florian
>> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>>> Hi Florian,
>>> I've started Sun process of applying your fix. I'll notify you after 
>>> the fix will be in the mercurial repository.
>>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>>> Hi Pavel,
>>>> what is the status of my patch? I would like to provide more patches.
>>>> -Florian
>>>> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008 schrieb Pavel Porvatov:
>>>>> Hi Florian,
>>>>> Now your patch looks perfectly! Let's wait the moment when I will be
>>>>> able to commit this patch (now nobody can make changes in the jdk7
>>>>> repository) and then we'll continue with your changes.
>>>>> Regards, Pavel.

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