<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal

Florian Brunner fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch
Tue Aug 26 12:27:07 UTC 2008

Hi Pavel,

great! :-) I will check it as soon as I find some spare time.

What's the difference between


I used to work on

Should I move to


Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
> Hi Florian,
> I've committed the last part of your fix into 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing-gate/jdk.
> There are four CRs related to your fix: 6693507, 6722802, 6727661 and 
> 6727662. I made some changes in your patch and improved code unrelated 
> to warnings. I also reverted some your changes because they produce 
> new warnings. If you find out new compilation warnings which can be 
> removed let me know...
> Regards, Pavel.
>> Hi Pavel,
>> it took a little longer than I thought, but now I've updated my 
>> patches to base on http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk and 
>> removed all the tabs.
>> Unfortunatly it wasn't easily possible to port all patches. So I send 
>> here the big part and after integration I will try to remove some of 
>> the other warnings again before I start with adding generics to the 
>> Swing framework.
>> When compiling with
>> -Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation 
>> -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 2300
>> this patch reduces the number of reported warnings from 1263 to 240.
>> Again, I tried only to change things related to the warnings and not 
>> to change any public or protected APIs in public or protected classes 
>> in this patch.
>> At many places I tried to add type parameters as meaningful as 
>> possible, but with some cases I just used Object, if a more 
>> meaningful type parameter was not so trivial. You might want to 
>> refactor this if needed. (Though everything should work as it is.)
>> -Florian
>> Am Dienstag, 29. April 2008 schrieb Florian Brunner:
>>> Hi Pavel,
>>>> Send me all remaining fixes at once. I changed my opinion because
>>>> 1. I don't want to produce a lot of CRs for every part of fix
>>>> 2. I'm going to do a small correction (if needed of course) in your
>>>> fix myself. It'll save a lot of our time
>>> Ok, great, I will do that as soon as I find some spare time (probably
>>> during the coming long week-end).
>>> -Florian

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