<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6179357-related: warnings removal

Pavel Porvatov Pavel.Porvatov at Sun.COM
Mon Dec 8 14:55:32 UTC 2008

Hi Florian,

Fine. Try to avoid large fixes and divide them into several logical 
parts if possible, please.

Regards, Pavel.

> Hi Pavel,
> great! :-)
> I started now with adding generics to the Swing classes. I decided to 
> start with JList/ ListModel. OK?
> Soon I'll get in touch with you again.
> -Florian
> Pavel Porvatov schrieb:
>> Hi Florian,
>> I've committed your fix in jdk7. It's available here:
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk/rev/5784f5dfe3ac
>> Thank you for your hard work!
>> Regards, Pavel.
>>> Hi,
>>> here another patch to remove warnings in the Swing classes.
>>> When compiling with
>>> -Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation 
>>> -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 2300
>>> this patch reduces the number of reported warnings from 112 to 95.
>>> Again, I tried only to change things related to the warnings and not 
>>> to change any public or protected APIs in public or protected classes 
>>> in this patch.
>>> At many places I tried to add type parameters as meaningful as 
>>> possible, but with some cases I just used Object, if a more 
>>> meaningful type parameter was not so trivial. You might want to 
>>> refactor this if needed. (Though everything should work as it is.)
>>> In this past year we could reduce the number of reported warnings 
>>> from ca. 1277 to 95 when compiling with
>>> -Xlint -J-Xms80m -J-Xmx256m -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-deprecation 
>>> -Xlint:-fallthrough -Xmaxwarns 2300
>>> When this patch will be commited, I will finally start working on the 
>>> actual task: adding generics to the Swing-framework. With 'only' 95 
>>> warnings left, it should be much easier now to see if I introduce new 
>>> warnings while working on this task (especially unchecked and cast 
>>> warnings).
>>> -Florian

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