<Swing Dev> Polish translation of JFileChooser, JColorChooser and JOptionPane

Phil Race Phil.Race at Sun.COM
Mon Jun 9 17:43:41 UTC 2008

The process for making openjdk contributions is documented here :

My sense here is that it would be preferable to have translations
for all messages that are localised into other languages, not
just the ones in these particular dialogs.

Also since dialogs change, then an ongoing commitment to
translate new strings would be best.


Daniel Janus wrote:
> Dear list,
> Let me introduce myself since this is my first (and hopefully not last)
> post here.  I'm Daniel Janus, the current maintainer and one of the
> developers of Poliqarp, the open-source concordancer for large
> collections of texts.  
> The GUI client of Poliqarp is written in Java and is currently
> undergoing a major rewrite.  The GUI in question is bilingual,
> completely translated to English and Polish (with an Ukrainian
> translation coming soon), which means that not only are the system's own
> messages translated to Polish, but so are some of the standard Swing
> dialogs provided by the JRE (JFileChooser, to be more precise, since
> it's the only one that's currently used).  I had produced a crude
> translation of the latter sometime in early 2006; this involved creating
> a Polish version of some .properties files under
> com.sun.swing.internal.plaf.
> Because the Poliqarp code is currently being reviewed and most of the
> JDK went open source since then, I would like to take this opportunity,
> complete the translation, synchronize it with the latest OpenJDK code
> and contribute to the community.  I checked out the Mercurial
> repositories, and if I am not mistaken this will involve providing a
> patch that will add the translated .properties files in
> jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/{basic,metal,synth}/resources.
> If there is anybody that would be willing to guide me through the
> process of submitting such a patch, or else direct me to the more
> proper place where it might be considered, I will be extremely grateful.
> Best regards,
> Daniel Janus

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