<Swing Dev> [PATCH] 6695389: Vertical scrollbar should occupy empty top corner space

Ben Loud Ben.Loud at rlmgroup.com.au
Wed May 14 01:10:41 UTC 2008

This patch is for 6695389 which I submitted recently. I saw that a new
L&F property "ScrollPane.fillUpperCorner" was added recently for the GTK
L&F. Windows also fills the upper corner, see any native file chooser in
details view for example. This patch just sets this property to TRUE for
Windows so we match this behaviour.

If there's no objection, I'd be in favour if setting this for all of the
look and feels, including Metal. It just looks odd with the gap there.

This is my first attempt at a patch. If all goes well, I have quite a
few minor visual tweaks like this that I'd like to fix, mostly for the
Windows L&F. 
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